Ungrateful Witch

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The next day, you were forced to meet Cedric's eyes at breakfast. He caught your gaze across the hall, and mouthed something, which you failed to make out. He thus gestured to meet outside after breakfast, and you agreed, and you thought this could be the perfect occasion to bring up the incident with Cho. When this did come around, Cedric smiled at you and took a hold of your hand before leading you away into the courtyard, as it was confirmed that the two of you had a free period.

"How've you been since the task?"

"Good." You responded, not quite knowing what else to say.

"You saved two people. That's incredible, you know. Fleur didn't know how to thank you, and said she'd come and see you today when you felt better."

"Yeah, well, I couldn't leave her."

"What went on down there?"

"Some stuff. I got attacked twice."

"I'm so happy you're safe," he finally exclaimed with an exhale, pulling you in forcefully and wrapping his arms around you. "I was so, so worried, [F/n]."

You hugged back, but rather awkwardly, and more reserved, feeling slightly uncomfortable with the thought of Cho being so important.

"What is it? You seem off," he said when he pulled away, frowning worriedly at you.

"Cedric, I can't help but keep thinking: why was Cho your important person? Out of all your friends who you've been close to for years, why was it Cho, who I'd never even heard of your friendship with before."

His face fell slightly; he understood your nervousness, and nodded understandingly.

"I understand why it'd make you uncomfortable, and if I'm honest, I don't quite know why they chose her." He frowned, taking a hold of both your hands and ensuring you were looking at him. "But I can't emphasise this enough: she is but a friend, and we're not even that close. I don't want you to have any absurd thoughts."

You nodded, believing and trusting him completely.

"I love you, [F/n], you know?"

You smiled at the sound of it, and exhaled heavily before nodding.

"I do know," you said, "and I believe you."

"But, since we're talking," he began hesitantly. "You and Malfoy?"

You pursed your lips.

He continued, "Ernie says he saw the two of you creeping around the night before the task, heading towards the Herbology class outside. Is that true?"

You sighed of relief. "Yes, yes it is."


"For some reason, Malfoy's been a lot kinder to me lately. I assume he's been wanting me to win because I'm representing Slytherin, and we ended up sitting around for hours and reading up on stuff that can help me stay underwater for an hour. He ended up finding Gillyweed, so we snuck off into the Herbology class to see if we could find it."

"And? Did you?"

"Yep. Unfortunately, it wore off in the last second, and that's also why I came out so late."

Cedric smiled and sighed of relief. "That makes me really happy. It's not that I don't trust you, but I don't trust him. I'm glad it was just that, though."

"Of course," you said with a smile, like the wicked witch you were. However, you felt your heart drop at the forced lies, and the repressed thoughts and feelings. Indeed! Someone like Cedric - he was perhaps the most precious boy you'd ever met; and so what if he was all cute and kind? You liked that. Yes. Yes. You did! Cute and kind. That was exactly who you, [F/n] Potter, were. And to risk such a boy, such a precious, caring, cute boy, for a snobby, rich, rude and narcissistic boy like Draco Malfoy? It was not worth it.

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