A Duo

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The next morning at breakfast, an unusual occurrence happened as you willingly chose to sit at the Slytherin table. This morning, you did not feel too well, and didn't necessarily feel like socialising. Your friends were worried, for it was unusual for you to sit at the Slytherin table without coercion, but they chose to leave you until later. Sitting alone and picking at your food, one of the unnamed Slytherins whose name you never learned turned to you and sneered. You looked up at him with an expressionless face, and, without commenting, turned back down to your plate and continued playing with the food, not quite in the mood to eat it.

"Potter looks like she's going to cry," you heard one of the Slytherins whisper over to Malfoy, who sat not too far.

"Good," Malfoy laughed, turning to you. "Oi, Potter, you going to cry?"

"Fuck off."

"Ooooooooh," Malfoy whistled, turning to his friend, then back at you.

As soon as you had the opportunity, you left the Great Hall and headed back to your dorm to lie down. You could not help but feel unbelievably uncomfortable over the next two days and, no matter what happened or who spoke to you, you just felt the need to cry or just lie in bed and sleep. The reasoning behind these sudden emotions became clear to you when, dragging Hermione into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, you cried out.

"What is it?"

"Do they sell pads anywhere here in Hogwarts or anything?"

"You got your period!?" Hermione asked.


"Explains why you've been feeling down."

And suddenly, a loud cry appeared from nowhere, upon which Moaning Myrtle flew out and hovered above you and Hermione, releasing her ear-piercing cries.

"I remember when I got my first period!"

"Moaning Myrtle?"

"Well, who else!?" She snapped back. "See, I could still be having periods if I were alive! But no!"

"Can you stop yelling?" You asked.

"Stop yelling!? Be in my position and we'll see if it's so easy to stop yelling!"

"Right, let's go." You and Hermione began to leave the bathroom, when Moaning Myrtle's voice sprung up again in a mysterious voice.

"I hear it's been opened again, has it not?"

You stopped dead in your tracks, whilst Hermione did not catch on immediately and turned to you in confusion.

"What did you just say?" You turned around, back and up at floating Myrtle.

"Opened." She giggled, though there was a hint of wary sadness within her eyes at the thought of the chamber having been opened again, almost as though she held darker memories of it.

"Do you know by who?"

Myrtle cocked her head to the side with a mocking grin, reminding you of Malfoy. She thus placed her finger on her lips, hushed, and flew away laughing like a maniac.

"What was that about?" Hermione asked.

"Uh," you looked around quickly, thinking of a plan. You were now deadly curious of the reasoning behind a chamber of secrets - you could borrow a book from the library. Yet, the process of finding it, borrowing it, and dealing with the librarians seemed daunting and long; you knew a much quicker way and, though undesirable, seemed like the best option as of now. "Right, let's quickly go and get the pads and then I have somewhere to go."

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