Trail of Perspectives

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Leaning on his chair, he could not help but have his mind trail to the kiss. The way in which [F/n] Potter stood on her tiptoes and actively sought out his cheek and left her mark upon it. Inhaling, he tapped his pen upon the table, unable to focus.

"Draco, come on," Blaise said, "the answer to question three."

"I don't know," Draco sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I don't know, mate. I don't."

"Alright, don't stress about it? What's wrong?"


"Something's up. Come on, talk to daddy Blaise."

"Never call yourself that again."

Blaise laughed, setting his pen aside and turning to Draco with his entire body, his focus now solely on his best friend.

"Well, Malfoy?"

"It's nothing important ... " Draco's voice trailed off as he watched his pen as he proceeded to tap it against the table, his mind dazed with images of you. "Just ... her."

"Oh, yes ... the great [F/n] Potter," Blaise grinned.

"She just ... did a thing the other day."

"A thing?"

"It was ... really cute."

"What did she do?"

"She just ... " Draco whispered, recalling the event with a faint smile, yet eyes of curiosity and deep thought as he wished to feel all those emotions again that he'd felt in the moment. "Said she doesn't mind being my positive thoughts ... as she stood on her tiptoes ... and kissed my cheek."

Blaise stared at Draco, a poker face. "That it?"

"She kissed my cheek ... so cutely."

"My dude ... a girl just kissed your cheek and you're spiralling over that? Do you need to get laid again or something ... because I'm confused."

"You wouldn't understand."

"Clearly not," Blaise sighed, "what's so amazing about her kissing your cheek?"

"She did it so sweetly ... like ... it just made me feel so hot and panicked."

"So ... you have a crush on Potter?"

"A crush on Potter?" Draco asked, snapping at Blaise with furrowed brows and pursed lips. "I do not. I wouldn't stoop that low."

"Yet ... you're sitting here, thinking about her kissing your cheek, despite the fact that you could be fantasising over her naked body. Instead you choose to fantasise over a cheek kiss. Or I mean, the fact that you felt yourself go hot and panicked at such a simple gesture from her. Or the fact that you can't get her off your mind. Or the fact that you don't stop talking about her. Just a hunch ... really."

"A shit hunch," Draco rolled his eyes. "I wonder what she's doing now."

"Fucking hell, mate. Focus on yourself for a moment, will you?"

"I am focused on myself! Stop being dramatic. I'm just curious of what she's doing. It's all."

"It's all? The girl lives rent free in your head, Draco, get a grip. I mean, don't get me wrong, I adore Potter and all, but she's literally all you think about and it's so hard to do anything with you nowadays."

"So what you're saying is I should go see her?"

"I never said that!" Blaise cried out.

"You're right. I should." And with this, Draco stood up and slammed his textbooks shut. "Where would she be at this time?"

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