Narcissa Malfoy

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Exiting the Hogwarts Express, Draco cast his eyes around to find his father. However, only finding his mother awaiting him, his face dropped slightly in surprise, since his father had picked him up every year. His mother, Narcissa, on the other hand expressed a look of uncertainty and slight worry as Draco approached her with his luggage. On his mind was the constant face of [F/n] Potter and her voice. He felt ready for this summer holiday, knowing he was going to live it through with full excitement. Just six weeks, he thought, just six will till you're mine.

"Oh, I've missed you!" Narcissa exclaimed with a weak smile, pulling Draco in for a hug, which he awkwardly reciprocated.

"Where's father?"

Narcissa pursed her lips at Draco with solemn eyes, looking at him gently.

"We'll talk about it when we're home," she sighed.

"Did something happen? Is he alright?"

"Yes, he's alright. I will tell you everything you need to know when we're home." She smiled sadly, brushing Draco's hair back with her fingers. "Let's go home, shall we? Get your luggage."

"One second," Draco finally said, flashing one last hopeful look around the platform, when he finally caught sight of his little princess stepping off the train with Harry, Hermione and Ron. There you were, in your graceful manner, walking through the platform with your luggage with a smile as grand as ever, laughing with your friends. That joyful and hopeful look of yours always managed to remind Draco that he loved being alive, and he thus smiled gently as he watched you walk through the platform.

"What's this?" Narcissa asked, looking at Draco, then looking at you. "[F/n] Potter?"

"It's nothing," Draco shook his head. And, still staring at you, his heart leaped out of his chest when you looked over at him, with your bright smile, and through the crowd of Hogwarts students and parents, caught his eyes. He felt his smile rise as you smiled at him, and your eyes lingered on each other for a moment before you were forced to leave with Harry to the Dursleys.

"Nothing, you say?" Narcissa smiled sadly. "[F/n] Potter ... is it?"

"It's not that serious, mother," Draco quickly exclaimed. "Let's go," and grabbing his luggage, he set off towards the next platform which he always took to get home, back to Wiltshire. Narcissa followed him, her heart wholly uncertain, the image of Draco's look upon you flashing back and forth within her mind.

She did not speak to Draco at all as the two stood and waited for their next train to arrive, standing on the platform impatiently. Draco's conflicted emotions caused his cheeks to flush red as he pursed his lips - he was excited to know that when he was to return, you would be his and only his, and yet he could not help but feel some odd rising emotion of discomfort, especially after seeing the worrisome look upon his mother's face, followed on by his father's absence. Something was not right, and Draco could already feel his joy deteriorating. So suddenly, he believed that nothing ever went his way. Whenever something happy happened to him, it would always be crushed by something worse.

The train finally arrived for Wiltshire, and Narcissa and Draco stepped onto the train, carrying the luggage through to find seats. They both sat at a four seater, as they both sat by the window, opposite each other. Narcissa watched Draco for a couple of moments before finally exhaling and speaking.

"How is she, Draco?"

"She?" Draco asked, turning to look at his mother.

" ... Yes. [F/n] Potter."

"I ... " Draco's voice trailed off, realising how earnest his mother was. This was both the worst and best thing that had happened to him. He never in a million years imagined himself telling his parents about you, and certainly not about his own feelings for you, for he knew they would condemn him. And yet, his mother's genuine question in regard to you expressed her, perhaps, care? "What does it matter?" He quickly said, acting disinterested.

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