The Beautiful Rain

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Draco had taken off his grey sweater vest, but the most he would allow you to do was unbutton his white collar shirt. And, when the course was done, and you had dressed yourself entirely, as had Draco, he was facing you with his back, perhaps avoiding your eyes in an unknown shame. You, however, watched him softly with one question springing in your mind.

"Why didn't you take off your shirt?" You asked gently, a hint of worry and disappointment in your voice.

Draco froze. He stared at the ground, not daring to turn around and face you; he could not face your eyes whatsoever. He could not reply immediately. You did not pester him more than the question itself; patiently, you awaited a response. Snape's and Rowhound's voices had long disappeared, leaving you and Draco in the supply closet alone, now with the light on. Finally, when Draco turned around, his eyes were red from holding back his own tears. You did not move, nor inquire any further, but you allowed him to lift his hand up to your face and gently stroke it with his thumb, rubbing your cheek protectively.

"Why ... didn't you take off your shirt, Draco?" You asked again, your voice now becoming trembly and tears staining the corners of your eyes as you succumbed to feel of his hand against yourself.

"Because I didn't want to," he whispered back.

You did not ask for any more answers. Instead, you used this opportunity to raise your hands to Draco's face to carefully bring him down to yourself so that you could meet his lips and remind him that you were his; that you were devoted to him, body and soul. He pressed his lips against you tighter, preserving the moment for as long as he could, fearing that if he let go and parted with you, he would lose the most precious and dear thing to him so quickly. He feared that you would fade away into the distance - into a memory, a dream.

"You're very dear to me," you whispered out against him, inspiring his eyes to gleam of hope.

"[F/n] ... "

"I'm not going to stop, Draco."

"You don't know what you're doing to yourself."

"I do." You snapped sharply. "I do, Draco."

"Even if you do ... I won't let you," he sighed, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. "You deserve a kingdom. A fortune. I can't give you that. So stop trying to keep this alive."

"A kingdom and a fortune are worthless to me, if they are not with you."

Draco pursed his lips at your words. You really were persistent and determined. Yes, that was one of the things he admired so deeply in you. You knew what you wanted, and you did everything in your power to strive for the end you wished to achieve. It was admirable. It was brave.

"Why did Weasley threaten me the other day?" Draco finally asked.

"Oh ... about that," you smiled faintly as the two of you exited the closet. Together, you roamed the castle hallways now. The atmosphere between the two of you was painful as usual, but there was an air of fulfilment and peace that hung about the two of you. "Hermione accidentally blurted out about you."

"It's always the mudbloo - "

"Ah," you silenced him.

Your silencing of him caused him to smile. Now, as you looked out through the Hogwarts windows, you began to notice the gentle droplets of rain that began to hit the ground. With every second, more began to fall, soon enough splashing the entire courtyard and reigniting the puddles and mud. You watched the rain for a while longer through the window, until an electrifying spark ignited within you that sparked motivation and optimism. Thus, taking a hold of Draco's hand, you dragged the boy outside.

"What are you doing? It's raining."

"That's the point, Draco Malfoy," you grinned mischievously, gripping his hand tighter so that he would not escape. He did not even intend to; in fact, he took a hold of your hand even tighter and followed you. He would, of course, follow you to the end of the world, so there was no doubt about him following you into the rain.

And, as you pulled him closer, the rain began to flatten your hair as it travelled down your faces. You looked up at him, meeting his blue eyes, embracing them. He, too, looked down at you with a soft expression which soon enough bore a smile upon his lips. His smile only sparked a smile upon your lips too, and in this moment you and Draco were filled with the strongest feeling of passion and motivation. Gosh - you were in love with this boy so, so hard. You had to fight for him, no matter what it took.

"A boy or a girl first?" You asked with a grin, moving his hair out of his forehead so that you could see the entirety of his face. You slicked his hair back, and it stayed because of the rain.


"When we're married, you know."

"Married?" He widened his eyes, staring at you in shock at your words. "What do you mean ... married?"

"Of course, I'll want to have had fun first ... and finished school, and all. But I think a boy first."

"What are you ... ?"

"I say ... two little Malfoys."

It became clear to Draco that you were talking about having children with him. The suggestion of so terrified him, and he stared at you in shock. He did not know what was more scary to him; the idea of living the rest of his life with you, or having children with you. Of course, both were pleasing, but hearing your sudden mention of them out of the blue was perhaps not the easy way of bringing these thoughts about in Draco's mind. You could easily see the horror he was in as he stared at you with widened eyes and a lowered jaw, not knowing what to say.

"Sorry, did I scare you?"

He could not even reply out of shock.

"Well, prepare for it, Mr Malfoy," you grinned mischievously again, taking both his hands and leading him further into the rain in the courtyard. He, as taken aback as he was, followed nevertheless.

Finally, he whispered out, "I like the name Alistair ... or Scorpius."

You turned to him, your eyes now widened at his odd continuation of the conversation.


"You said ... a boy first."

Alistair or Scorpius. You felt your heart flutter as your chest became free from the burden you'd been feeling since the start of the sixth year. A small smile rose on your lips, realising Draco's inner emotions and that they truly matched yours in every aspect. He did want to pursue his life with you. He really ... really does. And, as your smile slowly rose, he mimicked it and smiled further too, pulling you closer in the rain and wrapping his arms around you before placing a kiss on your lips.

Nevertheless, Draco doubted. He doubted it a lot. He believed that, in the end, your view of him would change. If you knew ... if you knew the truth, he knew that you would no longer love him the way you did in this present moment. Thus, he bathed in the moment for as long as he could, for as long as it lasted. Whilst you were still in his grasp, he wanted to take every opportunity in loving you back, before you turned your back on him; before you sought out a better and hopeful future, one without him. So, even if there would never truly be an Alistair or Scorpius Malfoy, the thought of it was pleasant. It was like a small reward ... to have these thoughts of a future with you, as long as he promised to let you go eventually into a better life.

Oh, but the rain felt so, so beautiful tonight.

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