Dark Ceilings

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With no ability to focus, you sat down on one of the sofas and, placing the book down, you stared before yourself at the fireplace and the image you'd just seen. Why must he go to such lengths to cover his feelings? Doesn't he understand the pain he is truly causing? Had he succumbed to his feelings ... this would have been much simpler. But no! The boy loves to go and complicate matters. Suddenly, you felt like poor Blair Waldorf ... fighting against her Chuck Bass.

How long did you set there for? Staring in silence at the fireplace? You could not tell. Yet, throughout the entire time that you sat there, no one passed in and out of the girls' or boys' rooms. You could scarcely hold in your own tears, let alone control your breath. Why must the boy go to such lengths? Why? When would his ridiculous, stupid, little brain finally understand that you did not wish to give up on him? No matter what.

The door to the Slytherin common room opened once again. You found little energy in yourself to even turn and look at the individual who'd entered. Only after a moment, in the corner of your eye, you caught sight of the person standing beside you, waiting for your reaction and, upon turning and looking at them, you discovered Harold. He was looking at you with a solemn expression, disappointed in himself, and his heart only ached further for his little sister when he noticed your glassy eyes, your lost expression, and the harsh state in which you were in emotionally. Without another word, he sat down beside you on the sofa and the two of you stared before yourselves in silence at the fireplace. No words were necessarily exchanged, as you communicated through your blood. He was apologising, and you were forgiving. He, now, understood your pain as he saw the extent to which your lip trembled and how hard you worked against yourself to hold back your tears, which found their ways down your cheeks anyhow.

Slowly, Harry lifted his arm up and carefully placed it around your shoulders, giving you the easiness of lowering your head in a robotic manner to his shoulder, resting upon it. With the feeling of a familiar, you finally closed your eyes and allowed all the tears to fall down harshly. They scraped their way down your cheeks, leaving long trails signifying the depths of your pain.

"I'm so stupid," you whispered out through your own childish sobs.

Harry inhaled deeply, rubbing your arm in an attempt to comfort you. He could not relate to your suffering, but he felt it deeply. Your own sobs wounded him deeply.

By now, the door to the girls' dorm had opened and through it revealed himself Draco. However, he had opened the door so quietly that neither you, nor Harry heard it open. Nothing inspired you to turn your heads, and so you continued your conversation completely unaware of Draco's presence, as he stood behind and, in fear, watched the scene. His own heart fell deep at the sight of your state, knowing what he was doing to you, but he worked around his mind terribly to convince himself that it was better for the long-term. It was better for your future happiness.

"You're not stupid, [F/n]," Harry finally said with a low exhale.

"Yes, I am," you sobbed out, barely getting any words out. "I shouldn't have fallen in love with a stupid Malfoy."

"That's ... true," Harry laughed gently, "but ... you can't control who you fall in love with."

"If I hadn't ... slept with him that day, maybe I wouldn't be here today."

"Honestly? You probably would be. The two of you would have found a way around it sooner or later," he sighed, "might as well admit it. He always had a thing for pestering you."

You laughed through your painful sobs. "Yeah, I suppose he did."

"But ... is he really who you wish to pursue?"

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