Family Reunion

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Hermione no longer had a chance to protest further as you were already on your way down. With a huff, she followed. It led out into the inside of a building with stairs, though it looked rather abandoned and old. It was hearing a sudden smash and Harry's voice raise itself that caused you and Hermione to dart upstairs to where the noises came from, only to find Snape lying unconscious on a broken bed, Professor Lupin and, as you recalled from the many times you'd seen him in posters, Sirius Black.

"And [F/n] Potter!" Sirius Black called out with a grin. "A family reunion, I see!"

"Why is Sirius Black here?" You asked.

"Can we kill him already?" Sirius whined.

"You're not killing Harry!" Hermione cried out.

"Not Harry," Professor Lupin quickly said, "as I was saying, Harry, I thought he was dead, I really did, but then the Marauder's Map showed his footprints!"

"That means the map lied, then!" Harry called out.

"The map never lies!" Sirius shouted. "He never died. He's here. He's in this room! Right there!" And thus he pointed at Ron, who had tears in his eyes from fear.


"Not you!" Sirius groaned. "Your rat!"

"Scabbers has been in my family for-"

"12 years!" Sirius laughed in a frustrated manner, "give it here!"

"What did I just walk in to?" You asked yourself, scratching your head as you watched the chaotic scene. Sirius Black immediately grabbed Scabbers from Ron and set him down. The rat proceeded to dodge the wands of Sirius and Lupin, and ran away as far as possible, however, as he ran into a small tunnel, Sirius and Lupin succeeded in bringing back his natural form, revealing an ugly, rat-like man with rat-like features. Sirius and Lupin grabbed him, pulled him back, however the man darted towards the door, in which you were standing.

"[F/n] Potter!" The man whispered in a delighted tone, grabbing onto your shoulders almost as though he were hugging you.

"Don't touch [F/n]!" Sirius called out with a groan.

"Yeah, don't touch me." You said, pushing him away. "Ugly prick."

Sirius and Lupin quickly grabbed the man, known as Peter Pettigrew, and tossed him back into the room. Pettigrew attempted to run away, running around in circles of the piano, when Sirius and Lupin pointed their wands at him.

"You sold Lily and James to Voldemort!"

"I had no other choice! What would you have done, Sirius!?"

"I would have died! I would never sell my friends!"

"So Sirius is our ally or what? I joined late," you asked Harry, who was standing beside you in a protective manner.

"Well, it seems so. Also, Professor Lupin is a werewolf."

"Oh, ok. Seems legit."

"I waited 12 years in Azkaban to kill you!"

"No!" Harry quickly protested. "We'll take him back to the castle."

"Oh, bless you, boy!" Pettigrew sighed of relief, dropping onto his knees.

"You'll get what's coming to you there."

"Wait so," you stepped forward, "you're telling me this dickwad led our parents into their deaths?"

"Unfortunately, yes, [F/n]." Lupin said.

Without another word or thought, you swung your leg back before releasing it and colliding it with Pettigrew's stomach, causing him to yelp out in pain and curl up into a ball on the floor, crying.

"She's definitely got James' personality," Sirius muttered.

"Let's go." Sirius and Lupin said, grabbing Pettigrew and leading him out. You, Harry, Ron and Hermione thus made your way back outside, back out to the tree through which you entered. Everyone finally got outside, and Sirius immediately asked you and Harry to come over for a moment, leaving Hermione and Ron sitting on the grass where Pettigrew continued to pester them and Lupin kept dragging him away.

"You know," Sirius began, looking out, as you and Harry stood on either side of him. "When you two were born, your parents made me your god father. For both of you. And so, I just thought I'd let you know; you know, if you ever wanted to leave the Dursleys and live somewhere else, with me."

"Live somewhere else?" Harry asked.

"It was just a suggestion. Of course, I'll understand if you choose to do something else and stay with them."

"Are you insane? We hate them. We'd love to!" You beamed.


"Hell yeah!"

Sirius smiled. "You know, Harry, you're more like Lily. But you, [F/n], you're definitely like James."

"Was dad super annoying and troublesome too then?" Harry asked.

"Oh, shut up," you huffed.

"Actually," Sirius laughed, "yeah he was. But he was our best friend."

"Guys!" You heard Hermione's voice from behind and, upon turning around, found her pointing to the full moon which now began to shine on Professor Lupin's face. Remembering that Harry informed you of his being as a werewolf, you widened your eyes as you saw Lupin's face lose all colour and expression as he dropped his wand and began to lose his human-like features.

"Remus!" Sirius quickly shouted, running over to Lupin and taking a hold of both of his shoulders, attempting to keep him under control. Pettigrew saw his opportunity here, and he thus lifted up Lupin's wand with a smirk.

"Expelliarmus!" You shouted, causing the wand to fly out of his hand, however that did not stop him as his smirk increased, he waved to you, and thus turned back into a rat before running off into the fields. "Well, shit."

"Get back!" Sirius shouted, and with that, was kicked away by Lupin as he finally turned into his full werewolf form. Almost as though on cue, Snape charged out of the hole and directed his anger initially at Harry, but the second he noticed Professor Lupin in this state, he wrapped his arms around the four of you in a protective manner, only to be pushed away by Lupin's werewolf form, causing all five of you to fall down.

"We are going to die." You announced casually.

"Shut up, [F/n]! We don't have time for jokes!" Harry shouted back, genuinely angry with your comment.

"And who the fuck said I was joking?"

And suddenly, when about to be attacked by Lupin yet again, another wolf, black and with eyes that you recognised from somewhere, jumped out from where Sirius had once been and attacked Lupin, pushing him away from the five of you. It was only after a minor fight between the werewolf and wolf that Lupin stood back, did his 'awoo' and charged off into the direction of the moon. And now, the wolf, looking back to you, flashed his eyes, reminding you of the time before the Knight Bus when you and Harry had escaped from the Dursleys and were sitting on the side of the road. It was Sirius, then, who was there that night. The mere idea of it caused you to smile gently at the wolf, and he thus bowed his head lightly and charged off into the distance too.

"Why's he leaving?" Ron asked.

"He can't be found." You muttered.

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