Chapter Three

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Summer's POV

Shit! Shit! Shit!

My new boss was one sexy beast. No! I shouldn't have be thinking about that. Especially about him. I just want to lick those tattoos. Stupid mind!

I couldn't believe it when I saw him today in that office, it had been over four and a half years since I saw him last. God he is so much hotter.

He was so hot back then as well, he had less tattoos but somehow he was still badass. I watched him for a year before I had to move away.

Back then, I like all the other girls had a crush on him. But he didn't notice me, I was that quiet nerdy girl at the front of the classroom and he was the obnoxious football captain with smoking hot tattoos who also was a player, I saw him with so many different girls and naturally I was jealous, and he was a selfish dick. But there I was falling for his charm.

I really hoped he didn't remember me but I'm sure he didn't, I'm not that memberable

I can't think of him in the way I used to because he is now my boss. My hot and sexy boss.

Don't think of that, I told myself as I got into the shower. It was eight am and my first day at work. I really hoped that I would have this job longer than the rest because I needed it. I needed to pay my bills and my online college classes. I was working on my teaching degree at the moment. I had three months left before I got it. I couldn't wait.

After my shower I changed into a smart casual outfit, it was a cream lace t-shirt and a black mid thigh skirt. It was hot to say the least. I was told through email this weekend that my uniform would be at the café for me to change into.

Once my breakfast was finished I headed out. Luckily for me the diner wasn't too far from my apartment, so I could walk. Unfortunately I didn't have a car because it was just too expensive.

* * *

The diner was open when I arrived. Inside, sitting at the counter was Harry, my boss. He was wearing a fitted black t shirt and casual jeans, he also had a grey beanie covering his gorgeous dark hair.

As the bell chimed he turned towards me and smiled. "Good morning Summer."

I smiled thankful that he remembered my name. "Morning boss."

His eyes slowly raked over me and for the first time in forever I felt a flutter in my stomach.

"You're the first one here today. You'll be working with another girl about your age, her name is Tianna."

"Okay, that's great. Um... so where should I change."

He looked at me confused for a moment before he remembers. "Oh your uniform is in the back, you can change in the bathroom." He stood up and gestured for me to follow him. We go behind the cafe to his office and he picked up my uniform. "This is your size," he told me handing me the uniform.

I headed to the bathroom across from his office. Inside there was a set of lockers to the right and a row of showers to the left.

I quickly slipped on my uniform, it fitted perfectly. The strangest thing is I never told him my size. The uniform consisted of a black sleeveless shirt with a white collar and my black skirt. It was pretty hot.

I locked my clothes and bag into one of the lockers and headed out. As I stood in the doorway to the café I saw a gorgeously tall bleach blonde girl flirting with Harry. I was suddenly jealous. He however didn't take too much notice of the girl.

I made a low cough noise and his head suddenly whipped towards me. "Summer meet Tianna, you two will be working together."

"Nice to meet you," we said to each other shaking hands.

"The diner opens in fifteen minutes. I'll let you open Summer while you Tianna get changed. I hope you have a good day girls, " he told us before heading into his office.

Tianna headed back shortly after to change. I opened the door and took the chairs down from the tables while I waited.

When Tianna came back she had a smirk on her face. "God he's so hot," she said to herself. "I can't wait to get him into bed. I bet he's amazing in bed."

I laughed to myself. I knew that this girl wouldn't have to try much to get into his bed, I'm guessing he's still the same player he always was.

"Hey what you laughing at bitch?" she growled at me.

"Nothing," I told her hiding my smirk.

"He's mine, you cannot have him."

"I don't want him," I lied.

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