Chapter Twenty One

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Summer's POV

When I woke up I was laying on a sofa with my legs up in the air. "Are you feeling okay sweetheart?" Mom asked me rubbing my arm.

"Yeah Mom, I'm okay," I replied, I still felt a little queasy.

"Are you sure, you haven't been this ill since you were pregnant with Will."

Shock rushed through me. "Oh shit!" I swore.

"Oh no," Mom realised what I was thinking. "Is it possible?"

I looked straight at her. "Yes when we were in Greece."

"Okay then let's get you home, there's no point shopping more when you're feeling like this," she said.

We headed home, I was exhausted all I wanted to do was go to sleep. I wanted to be wrapped around Harry and have Will in my arms.

Mom placed me on the sofa when we got home. Harry and Will were still out but then again it wasn't late, they probably stopped in at the diner to see Nick, he decided to work today. Since marrying Tate he now works during the week instead of the weekend only picking up the odd weekend when he had to. I knew that Harry liked having Nick around.

"Okay so I'll go and get a test," Mom said.

"No, no don't worry I have one upstairs," Julie said. We all looked at her confused, wondering why she had pregnancy tests in her bathroom. "I bought a few after you moved in, Summer. I was hoping to get a grandchild soon."

"You were?"

"Yeah I was. I didn't expect it to be this soon though," she laughed.

"Me neither," I sighed.

Julie rushed upstairs to get the test and came back a few minutes later with three. "Just to be sure," she said. She really did want another grandchild.

I headed to the bathroom. I took the test out of its packaging. I peed on it and waited for the three minutes to be up. I didn't know whether I wanted another child right now, I was still getting to know Will. I didn't know if Harry wanted a baby either, I didn't know how I would tell him if the test was positive but I knew I wouldn't run away this time.

I took a deep breath and looked at the test. It was positive. I felt the corners of my lips turn up, I was happy.

I decided to take another test just to make sure, I didn't want to get my hopes up. When I saw that one was positive too, tears rolled down my eyes. I had to go and tell the girls that I was pregnant, I knew they would support me.

I stepped out of the bathroom and they gathered around me. "It's positive," I cried.

"Do you want the baby?" Mom asked.

"Yes," I smiled my tears still rolling down my face.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Their happy tears," I sniffed. "I didn't know I wanted a baby until I saw the positive sign on that test."

"You got to tell Harry when he gets home," Julie said grabbing my hand.

"Yeah I know, I just don't know how he's going to react."

"He'll be happy because he'll want the baby too."

"Okay," I sighed.

Harry and Will came home an hour later, with Nick who came to pick up Tate. Mom and Nicole decided that it was time for them to leave as well. They both hugged me and wished me good luck as they left.

"Did you have a good day?" Harry asked me as he sat down beside me on the sofa.

"Yeah it was good, what about you?" I replied.

"It was nice, Will and I had fun."

"I've got to tell you something," I blurted out.

"Okay," he asked worriedly.

"So I'm pregnant," I told him bluntly. He sat their shocked for a moment or two. "Well are you going to-"

Before I can even finish speaking I'm wrapped in his arms, "We're having a baby?"

"Yeah," I smiled. "Are you happy?"

"Happy? I'm ecstatic. And Will will be excited to have a brother or sister," he hugged me. "Is that why you've been ill these last few weeks?"

"Yeah I think so," I replied.

"When did you find out?" he spoke.

"About an hour ago."

"Well I've got something to show you as well," I said grabbing my hand. He pulled me out into the hallway before shouting to Julie, "Mom look after Will, me and Summer are just going out."

We headed for his car, I climbed in the passenger seat questioning him on where we were going. He didn't reply of course, he stayed silent the whole journey. The journey was only about ten or fifteen minutes but it seem like longer.

We stopped outside a fairly large house. It had large windows and a big black front door. It was surrounded by decking and had a wide path leading up the steps. The grass out front was very green and the trees surrounding gave the house a cosy feel. It was beautiful.

"Head inside," Harry whispered in my ear. He gave my back a little push and I stepped forward closer to the house.

Harry unlocked the house with a key he reached from his pocket. I stepped inside and sighed, it was amazing. "Wow."

"Welcome home, Baby," Harry smiled.

I turned around to face him. "What?"

"Well I might have bought this house today for us. Will loves it by the way. It was going to be a Christmas present but now we're having a baby it seem suitable that we move in before then."

"Really you bought this?"

"Yeah. Take a look around."

I looked downstairs first. The kitchen was large and had big windows which looked out onto the garden, the garden from this angle looked huge. I then headed into the sitting room, it had a fire-place on the back wall and like the kitchen had windows looking outside. There was also an office room and downstairs bathroom.

Next I headed upstairs. "How many bedrooms?" I asked Harry who was following behind me.

"Five," he replied. All of the rooms were big but the master bedroom was the biggest, it had a view of the garden and had its own balcony. Adding to this it had its own bathroom, fitted with a bath, shower and twin sinks. I was amazing.

After exploring the rest of the house we headed outside to the garden. There was a large deck that stepped down onto the grass. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me towards so trees at the end of the garden, as we walked through them I noticed a tree house which I knew Will would love. We stopped at a fence with a gate. Harry opened it and led me through.

Through the gate was a large swimming pool and pool house. This would be perfect for summer. I loved it here.

"How did you afford this place?" I asked Harry.

"I've been saving up and the bar has been doing really well," he told me. "So what do you think of this place?"

"I love it, I truly do," I sighed. "Thank you."

I knew this was the perfect place for us to bring up our children.

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