Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

It's quiet when I'm left alone for a couple of hours to settle in, the only sound was that of the waves crashing against the sandy beach. In my life I've never been to the beach a few times but I loved the idea; I imagined the way the sand felt in between my toes and the cool waves lapping against my body. I couldn't wait to get out there.

I stood from where I sat on the bed and hovered over towards the balcony, it was even more beautiful that I'd ever thought, I knew I would be spending days upon days out there in the near future. I opened the balcony door and stepped out, I loved the smell of the ocean, so fresh.

I looked down and saw a few people sitting in the sand laughing and talking as they watched other surf and splash among the waves. I wanted to be one of them.

I sat on the balcony all afternoon until I heard a light tap on my new bedroom door. I almost didn't answer it because I was so into the view over the balcony but I didn't want to seem rude so I got up and answered the door. Oliva stood there with a bright smile on her face and a tray in her hands. On the tray sat a large plate of food and I glass of water. It wasn't until my stomach rumbled at the sight of food that I realised that I was hungry.

"Hey," I smiled opening the door wider for Olivia to pass through.

As she squeezed passed me she said, "I've brought you your dinner and mine because I thought that I'd give you some company." She headed over towards my desk and placed the tray down. She then quickly grabbed her plate and sat on my bed to eat. I followed her actions. "Okay, so later I thought I'd show around this place because it's huge and it's easy to get lost at first," she smiled excitedly once I settled on the bed.

"Thanks," I awkwardly replied not knowing what to say to her. "So," I elongated. "Who cooks the meals around here?" This dinner was amazing, one of the best meals I had ever had, I couldn't wait to try more of the dinner.

"A couple of years ago we had a someone new join us, he was in a rough place at the time, he was homeless after being kicked out of home because he was into drugs and drinking. When he found us we got him a job in one of the local restaurants as a waiter at first but then he had to fill in for someone who was sick. He found that he loved working in the kitchen and he was pretty good. He improved over time and offered to make the meals here for a small fee and I agreed. I'm proud of him because of that job he stopped taking drugs and drinking, he a good boy such a sweetheart and I know he's going to go a long way in life," she told me with a grin on her face.

"Wow, that's amazing," I gushed. "Is he your favourite?"

"Hmm, no. I guess Alex is my favourite, he's a runaway like you, he had a tough time at home," she said sadly.

"Why's he your favourite?" I asked curiously.

"There's something about him that makes people like him. It probably helps that he's really hot, and I do mean drop your panties hot, it's understandable why he's a player but seriously if I wasn't so in love with Mike I'd want Alex all to myself. Whatever girl ends up with him is going to be one lucky bitch."

I laughed at that last comment she made, I don't know why but it made my day. "How old is he?" I asked still with a smile on my face.

"He's eighteen next month, June fifteenth, I think. When's your birthday?" she asked.

"Valentine's Day," I sighed.

"How romantic, I bet you're really romantic," she giggled.

"I wouldn't know I never did anything romantic with him. I've always wanted a romantic one, boyfriend I mean."

"Maybe you'll find one here I did, most of the people here have a relationship at some point with another here. We even had a wedding reception here."

I smiled trying to forget the one person I really didn't want to enter my mind, "How did that happen?"

"They both arrive when they were sixteen, both in the same month. They understood each other, they hung out a lot and then one day they decided to get together and then they married on Christmas Eve they both just turned twenty. They're still together they come back here every year to visit us. It was my first year here when they married I was only sixteen."

"Um... I want to ask you something. Um... do you think I could go to school around here I want to get a full education, I've only got one more year left after this one."

"Sure sweet pea, we'll sort that out tomorrow. Is there anything else you need?" she asked standing up smiling brightly.

"Um I'll need a new phone I left mine at home and some new clothes, oh and some money I've only got ten dollars left."

"That's okay we'll go into town tomorrow, we can find you a weekend job if you want to go to school."

"Thanks you're great. I'll see you tomorrow then, can we leave the tour until tomorrow I'm really tired at the moment."

"Sure I'll see you tomorrow Ellie"

It was late when I went to bed but I was exhausted from today's happenings. As soon as I closed my eyes I was asleep. I slept throughout the night without dreaming just darkness. It was nice for once. I was happy to be away from the bad.

I felt at home here, I just hoped that I could make a life here.


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