Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We spent the next three weeks waiting. Most of the time I was at home with Mum. We got to reconnect a lot. Alex found a job and he really enjoys it there. Millie spent weekday evenings with me and the weekends with Jake. Alex's mum visited a couple of times and we had a laugh.

Now for Victoria, we didn't see her much but when we saw her last week she told us that she had decided to move here.

On the day of the results Alex and I woke up early. He told me that everything would be okay because he knew for sure Kale wasn't his.

When it arrive we went into our room. "You open it babe," I told Alex. I watched a he nodded slowly.

He tore back the lip of the envelope. He pulled out the crisp white paper. I watched as he read and then sighed deeply. I visibly saw him relax and a sparkly in his eye. I knew the everything was good.

I snatched the paper out of his hand; 'We inform you that Kale Darren Bale is not the son of Alex Jamie McCain. The results show that the father is a blonde, brown eyed man with no genetic disorders. The mother is confirmed as Victoria Zoe Bale.'

I suddenly launched myself into Alex's arms. Well as best as I can really. I'm due in four weeks. Yay!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A month later I was out in town with Olivia. Yes, Olivia from the beach house. We were shopping for baby things, I having the baby in five days.

"So how's everything with you Olivia?" I asked pleased that she will be here for the birth of my baby.

"Great! I miss you though."

"I miss you too.

"I can't believe you're having a baby in a few days."

"I know me neith-" Suddenly a pain overcame me. "Sh*t!" I swore under my breath. "That hurt."

"Ell your water broke," Olivia said calmly. "We need to get you to the hospital."

"Okay," I said in pain. She took me out of the shopping centre to her car. She drove as fast as she could to the hospital a few miles away.

On the way I called Alex. "Baby, my water broke," was the first thing I said when he picked up the phone. "Me and Olivia are heading to the hospital, I'll meet you there."

We met Alex, my parents and his parents at the hospital. They got me comfortable in my room and timed each of my contractions.

Twelve hours later I was pushing my baby out. It was the most painful experience of my life but it was worth it. As they place my baby in my arm they tell me, "Its a girl!"

I smiled happily at the baby in my arm before smiling at Alex next to me who had tears in his eyes.

Alex POV

My girls were beautiful. I loved them so much. I will never let them go.

I watched as Ell look at our baby, the second most beautiful girl in the world right after Ellie. Then she faced me with the happiest smile ever, I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"Lucy Honey McCain," I heard Ell whisper. I smiled even more. My parents didn't knew we were naming our baby after Lucy but that was the plan all along.

After a few minutes of us having alone time with our baby. Our parents came into the room. Ell's mum smiled happily, "So what gender?"

"A little girl," I told them.

"What her name?" Mum asked.

"We decided to name her Lucy Honey McCain."

Mum suddenly broke down crying. I turned to Dad and saw he was crying too. "Thank you son," he said. He hugged me tightly which showed his gratefulness.

We spent the evening talking and before anyone knew it Ell was passed out on my shoulder. Mum took Lucy back to the nursery a while ago after Ell fed her. I already missed my little baby, I love her so much.

Soon I fell asleep alongside Ell. Everything was perfect at last.

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