Chapter Eighteen

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Summer's POV

We had been back home for two weeks and these past weeks had been amazing. I pretty much spent every night at Harry's, every evening we'd snuggle on the sofa after putting will to bed. Then later on we'd head to bed together. We'd talk for ages and fall asleep curled around each other.

We had spent one weekend at mime since we had been back. It was amazing, we spent the whole weekend in bed and naked. Will was at Harry's parent's house. But I missed him while we were away.

But this weekend Harry was meeting my parents for the first time. I knew that he was nervous about it.

The front doorbell rang at elven in the morning. We were in the kitchen waiting for them to arrive. I shakenly went to the door. There was mom and dad standing there with happy smiles on their faces. "Hey Mom, Dad," I hugged them both. I hadn't seen them in months and I had missed them. "Come in."

They followed me to the kitchen where Harry was still sitting. "Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Cooper," Harry shook their hands, "I'm Harry."

"Good to finally meet you Harry, Summer always talks about you," Mom said embarrassing me, Harry laughed at this.

"Mom, Dad I'd like you to meet Will," I said reaching for Will who was sitting in his special chair. "This is your grandson."

"Wow hasn't he grown," Mom sighed. "Hello Will I'm your grandma and this is your granddad."

Will smiled his gorgeous smile, he whispered, "Hello."

We had told Will before they came that he was meeting my parents just so he wouldn't get confused. "Grammy and Gramps want to spend the day with us," I told him.

"Okay Mommy," he replied quietly.

I picked him out of his chair. "You're a good boy Will, I love you very much."

"Love you too," he kissed my cheek.

I put Will down and he scampered to the sitting room where his toys were. Mom and Dad took a seat at the table. I sat down next to Harry and grabbed his hand.

"We're sorry," Dad said.

"What for?" I asked.

"For not telling you that you were adopted for seventeen years. We didn't want you to find out the way you did, we were going to tell you on your eighteenth birthday. I'm that we haven't talked about this before," Mom apologised. "When you found out you didn't talk to us and when you had Will you got ill we just couldn't talk about it. And then you moved here three years ago, working all the time trying to get money for Will so when you got him back you would have a proper home for him. We just haven't had time to talk about it and whenever we bring it up you block us."

"I'm sorry too, for that. But you never told me that I have a brother."

"What?" they both exclaimed.

"I have a brother, Nick. Didn't you know?"

"Of course not, we never knew you had a brother, if we did we would have adopted him too."

"You would?"

"Yes sweetheart we would have done."

"I'd like you to meet him," I said as the doorbell rang. He was on perfect time. "That'll be him now."

"I'll go and get him," Harry said going to the front door. I listened from where I was sitting, "Hey Nick."

"Hi Boss," Nick replied.

A minute later they walked in. Nick was dressed in shorts and t shirt, "Nick I'd like you to meet my adoptive parents, Jennifer and Barney."

Mum rushed over to Nick and hugged him tightly, "I'm so sorry Nick. I wish I had known about you, we would have adopted you too."

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