Chapter Twenty Two

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Harry's POV

We moved in a week later, Will and Summer absolutely loved the place. It was also great that my parents were close by. But what I was most excited about was our baby, apparently she was three months pregnant. That night in Greece was what did it, I guessed. I did want to wait until we were married before having more children now however I didn't care, I just wanted our baby to be okay.

"Everything looks good, Mrs McCain," the doctor said as she swiped the stick over Summer's stomach.

"We're not married," Summer said to the doctor. "Yet anyway."

"Oh when are you getting married?" she asked.

"In April," I smiled.

"Your baby should be born before then," she told us. "I'm estimating the birth to be around ninth of March."

"Thank you," Summer replied. She looked at the monitor and saw our baby there, our baby was beautiful, and I knew that she would be so such like her mother.

"She beautiful," I said to Summer.

"So you think our baby's going to be a girl?" Summer asked.

"Yep," I smiled.

The doctor interrupted us, "You won't be able to find out the gender for a few weeks."

"I don't want to find out, it want it to be a surprise," Summer said.

"Okay," the doctor smiled. "So is this your first?"

"No we have a son, he's four."

"Did you have any problems during the pregnancy?"

"No none," Summer replied. "But I had PND after."

"We'll make sure you have a good birth and it seems like you have a good family to support you."

"I do this time round," Summer grabbed my hand.

"Your check up is finished now," the doctor said as she wipe the gel off Summer's stomach. "You'll have to be back in four weeks."

"Thank you," I said taking Summer's hand and pulling her out of the clinic. "Can't believe that we're having a baby."

"Yeah me neither," she smiled.

We headed to my parents' home to pick up Will. The journey was quiet between us but I knew it was because we were excited and just wanted to hold in the excitement until we told my parents.

Shortly we arrived at my parents' house. As we entered Will ran to us and hugged our legs. I picked him up and hugged him tightly. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah Daddy, me and Grandma made cookies."

"Did you now?" Summer smiled.

"Yes Mommy, do you want one?"

"Of course I do sweetheart, I'd love one."

We headed for the kitchen where Mom and Dad were, I was surprised to see Summer's parents here too. "Hey," I smiled putting Will down. "Nice to see you again."

"You too, Harry. We just wanted to know how today went," Jennifer said.

"It went great," I replied pulling out the pictures of our baby out of my pocket and showing them to them.

We spent the rest of the day talking about the baby and the wedding. It was late before we headed home. Will was asleep and Summer was drifting off, as we settled in the car.

When I got home I took Will up to bed first before headed back to the car where Summer was sleeping. I picked her up bridal style and carried her inside. I headed to our bedroom.

Once I entered I settled Summer on the bed and changed her into one of my shirts that she loved to wear. I then tucked her in and laid down beside her once changing myself.

"I love you Sum," I whispered before kissing her forehead and then lips.

"Love you too Harry," she groaned back in her sleep.

* * *

Christmas flew by, we spent it at our house the whole family came over, Nick and Tate, Mom and Dad, Alex and his family, Summer's parents and even Nicole and her boyfriend came for the day. We had an amazing time, there were lots of presents and food. It even snowed which was rare.

My present for Summer was a little different, well one of them was. We were undressing for bed when I decided to show her, "Sum come here."

She stepped closer to me in just my t shirt. I was only in my boxers. "What?" she placed her hands on my shoulders.

"Look here," I pointed towards my heart. She looked towards where I pointed. A little gasp escaped her mouth. "Do you like it?"

"You got my name tattooed over your heart?" she spoke quietly.

I looked down to where she had placed her hand over my heart and over her name, I had planned getting this tattoo for a while. I had kept it hidden from her for the last two day which was hard, I mean we had sex most nights unless she fell asleep before we went to bed which was becoming more common these days.

"Yes Baby, I'll always want to have a reminder of your tattooed to my skin."

"It's beautiful," she smiled kissing it lightly.

"Thank you Sum for being everything to me."

"I love you Harry," she kissed me.

"I love you too Sum." I kissed her back. That night we made love, it was amazing.

* * *

The three months that led up to the wedding and the birth of our baby we fast, exciting and tiring. Will didn't really understand what was going on but he was excited at the idea of having a baby brother or sister. It was so close to our due date that Summer was starting to worry and I understood why, she didn't want it to be like last time but I wasn't going to let that happen. She had good family around her who were so excited for us.

We had the baby's room sorted out and even Will got to decorate his room, we thought it would be fair plus when we moved in his room was dull.

I was just packing the baby's clothes and Summer's clothes for when we got to the hospital, Summer was due in less than four days. I was so excited, I couldn't wait for our baby.

In the last three months we had been thinking of baby names, our favourites were, Isabella for a girl and Finn for a boy but we also had a few backups in case we didn't like them when we saw a baby for the first time. I still believed that we were having a girl, Summer didn't argue me on this because I thought that she wanted a girl too, to be her little princess.

"Harry!" Summer shouted from downstairs breaking me from my daydream. "I think my water just broke."

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