Chapter Ten

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Harry's POV

Soon enough it was Will's birthday, he was turning four. For his birthday I had bought him some new toys and Mum and Dad had bought him some new clothes. I was planning on bringing him into the café as he wanted to see Summer.

Whenever he sees her he always calls he 'Mommy' now. She has said nothing about it, it's almost as though she doesn't know he calls her that. I think it's sweet though.

"Happy birthday Will," Summer kissed his cheek once we enter the diner on his birthday. She bent down behind the counter and pulled out a small wrapped present. "This is for you baby." She handed it to him.

Will giggled loudly as he unwrapped the gift she had given him, inside was a t shirt, on the front was the words, 'Daddy's boy' and on the back it said, 'Mommy's boy'. I now knew that she didn't care that Will called her 'Mommy', in fact, it showed that she loved being called it.

"Will, stay here for a minute while I talk to Mommy," he nodded and sat still on his chair. I took Summer's hand and pulled her over to the corner. "Why did you get him that t-shirt," I asked her.

She looked down at the floor for a moment, "I wanted I get him something, and when I saw that t-shirt I knew it was perfect. I love hearing him call me 'mommy', I love that little boy so very much. I would love to be his mommy."

"But you can't be his mommy."

"I know that but I'd like to adopt him, I know I'm not your girlfriend or anything but I just want to be a mother figure in his life."

"You can be that but I can't allow you to adopt him because I don't want to take away the chance for his mother to actually get to know him," I told her truthfully, she could be a mother figure in Will's life but she couldn't be his mother. I wouldn't take that privilege away from his real mother, whoever she is.

"I understand," she sighed.

"I liked the t-shirt by the way."

"Thank you," she smiled.

* * *

After dinner out with my parents, and my brother and his family we headed home. It was nice going out with the family for dinner because we hardly ever did it. My brother Alex was busy with work a few hours, his wife Ellie was looking after their kids Lucy and Liam most days so it was difficult for us to get together. But when we did get together on these rare occasions we had a lot of fun together.

When we reached home, I climbed out first carrying Will as he had fallen asleep on the way home. As I walked up the front path I noticed a package sitting on the doorstep. I knew it was Will's annual birthday gift.

I picked it up and carried Will inside. I laid him in bed and headed to my room with the present in my hand. I sat on my bed looking at it for a while, I left the box untouched but picked up the card addressed to me.
Slowly I unfolded the envelope and pulled out the card, I carefully read the card. It said, 'Dear Harry,
It has been four years since the day Will was born. I know you have raised him well, he's a good little boy.
Tell him I love him.
I wanted to tell you that I'm better now, I'm not damaged anymore, and when I meet you properly I will tell you the full real story. I hope that, that day will come soon, I believe you will be aware of me in the near distant future.
I hope you'll be patient.
Thank you for being an amazing daddy to our little boy, I will never take you away from you.

Tears welled up in my eyes, I was glad that she would be in our lives very soon. In a strange way I had missed her, even though I didn't know her, I wanted to know her. It would be strange at first having her around a lot of the time, it would definitely take a while for Will to start calling her 'mommy', but I knew that he would eventually.

* * *

The next morning I handed Will his card from her. He squealed in delight as he read who it was from. "Mommy, got me a birthday card Daddy."

"I know Will, she also got you this," I said handing him the box wrapped in blue and green paper.

He tore it open, inside was a football. Somehow she knew Will's favourite game was football. "Daddy she got me a football!" he happily exclaimed as he throw the ball into the air. He didn't catch it but once it hit the ground he chased after it.

A sudden thought came over me, I wondered if Will knew that Summer wasn't his real mom. "Will!" I called to him. "Come here." He came to me quickly, he had always been good like that. "What's your mommy's name?"

"Summy," he answered straight away.

"Oh," I sighed, he did think Summer was his mommy. "Will you have to know that Summer isn't your mommy."

"She is my mommy!" he stomped.

"Why is she your mommy?"

"She loves me," he said sincerely.

"She does Will but she's not your mommy."


"Because you have another mommy who had you, Summer is my friend who loves you very much and treats you like her own child but you're not hers."

"But I want her to be," he cried running into my arms. I hated seeing him cry, it broke my heart every time.

"I know you do Will, I want her to be too," I told him truthfully. Deep down in my heart I felt like she belong in our lives, like she should be Will's mother, that she should be my partner and best friend. I wanted her to a part of our family. I think I needed to tell her this.

I hated to think of not having Summer in our lives, these last couple of months have been the greatest because she had been here with us. For the first time ever I've felt like a proper family because she treats Will like her son, and even though we don't have a romantic relationship, I consider her as my partner as she is my best friend.

"Harry," Mom called.

"Yes," I answered back pulling away from Will who still had tears in his eyes.

"I hope you're inviting Summer on our trip this year. I really like her, she's the nicest girl you've ever dated."

"We're not dating Mom."

"You're not?" she questioned with her head cocked to the side.

"No Mom, we're not. Anyway I have thought of inviting her, I think it would be nice to invite her as Will likes her and she's my best friend."

"Are you sure about her being your best friend?"

"Yep Mom, I am."

"Okay then, make sure you'll invite her soon, so we can book the flight. Also tell there is no need to pay because we'll pay for her."

"Good Mom, I'll tell her tomorrow at work."

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