Chapter Five

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Harry's POV

When I finished work in my office a few hours after leaving Will with Summer, I headed out to greet them. Will was sitting quietly at the counter drawing on some paper. Summer was across from him smiling happily as she watched him. She looked beautiful.

I slowly headed over to her. "Thank you Sum," I kissed her cheek light. I watched as a deep blush formed on her face. So beautiful. "I hope he was no trouble?"

"None at all," she said turning towards me. "He's an amazing little boy, you have raised him very well."

"I hope so," I sighed truthfully.

"I'd like to hang out with him again," she told me. "I had loads of fun."

"Sure, I think he'll like that." I looked towards Will. He looked happy. "He didn't mention anything about his mother, did he?"

I saw her squirm. "He said that he wanted his mommy for his birthday. And that you said that she would be coming soon."

"I really hope she does," I told her truthfully.

"Do you know why she left?"

I thought for a moment, I didn't want to tell her the whole truth right now but I trusted her with some of it. "She was suffering with postnatal depression when Will was born she thought it was better to leave him with me."

"It sounds like she was doing the best for her son so she didn't hurt him."

"Yep, that was what I was thinking. I just wish she could meet him, he's so special, I hope she would be proud of him."

"She will be when she finally comes to see him. I believe that she will come and see him soon." I nodded in agreement. Those cards she sent said that she would see him so, I really hoped it would be this year. "I've got to go," Summer said to me. "I'll see you tonight."

"No I won't be working tonight, I've got to look after Will. Can you make sure everything is running fine for me?" I explained.

"Okay fine. I'll see you on Monday then. It was nice meeting you Will."

"Bye Summy," Will said running up and hugging her legs tightly. I watched as she left the café, her sweet ass was swaying as walked. I wanted her. I hadn't felt this way in years, the last time I remember wanting someone was on my birthday four years ago, look how that turned out. But there was something different about Summer, she was innocent. I didn't know how innocent but she definitely was to some extent. That is what I liked about her. "Daddy," Will broke my thoughts. "I liked Summy. Can she be my mommy?"

This shocked me to say the least, Will has never taken to any women I had dated but to be honest they've never taken to him either, they ran away at the first sight of him. For Will to take to Summer so quickly there must be something special about her. "No Will she can't be your mommy. Summer and daddy are not together."

"But she's nice to me. She made me milkshake," he started to cry.

I picked him up and hugged him tightly to my chest. His arms wrapped around my neck in a suffocating hug. "I know what," I told him, "You can see her every weekend."

"Yay Daddy!" he squealed happily.

I left the diner shortly after. Work had been hard today, the paper work had been piled high but somehow I managed to get through most of it, I would have to finish it Monday. The ride home was quick and thankfully Will fell asleep on the journey, it would be easy for my later because every time he naps before dinner he gets hungry when he wakes up. However it is harder to get him to sleep at night so I let him stay up another half hour which helps him knock out when it's time for bed.

It's silent when we arrive home, my parents aren't back from my brother's house yet so I know I'll have to make dinner for Will. It's not that I mind, it's just easy when Mom cooks. I know I shouldn't rely on her so much but is easier for both of us, if one of us cooks. Mom would be making dinner for Dad anyway so she cooks for me and Will as well. On these nights I cook for Will and me, I don't find it hard and I actually like to cook, I just have very little time. The little time I do have I try and spend it with Will.

Once Will had his dinner and been put to bed I settled on the sofa in the living room. I flicked on the TV and flipped the channels. There was nothing good on but in the end I decided to watch a comedy panel show.

Soon enough I found myself falling asleep, but as my eyes closed I heard the front door slam open. "Harry we're home!" Mom called loudly from the hallway. "Hey Sweetheart," Mom said coming into the living room. She shucked off her coat and threw it onto the armchair by the door. "Did you have a good day?" I nodded. "Good, so your brother and Ellie are going away for the summer and they invited us all."


"Yeah, they've hired out a villa for ten, they said you could bring a friend if you wanted."

"Where at?"

"One of the Greek islands. The villa has its own pool and bar. So it will be fun for the kids and us adults too. Ellie even said it would be nice to get a night out and party."

"Okay cool, I'll go. I'll consider bringing a friend."

"Just don't make it some girl you're sleeping with. Personally I don't want to see that and it's a family holiday."

"Don't worry Mom it would be no one like that, I couldn't put up with anyone like that for more than one night," I told her cheekily. She laughed loudly. "It'll most likely be Max." Max is my best friend, he's one of my bartenders too which helps. I hardly ever see him outside work now, because of the work we do together.

"Anyway Alex wanted to give you this," Mom grabbed something out of her bag. "He somehow found it in his study the other day." She handed me a big book, the title read Year Book 2010. This was my year book from when I graduated four years ago. "Take a look, there are some quite funny photos of you in there with your friends."

"Thanks Mom, I'll take a look at this later."

"Okay Harry, love you sweetheart," she said kissing my forehead as she left the room.

"Love you too Mom," I called to her.

* * *

The next morning I awoken by a small body jumping on me. "Daddy! Daddy! Awake up!" Will shouted as he wiggled on top of my. My neck is stiff and sore, I guess I fell asleep on the sofa last night. That's not a great decision.

"Hey Will, morning buddy."

"Summy, Summy, Summy," he started to say. "Look, look, look." He picked up a book and threw it at me. About twenty or so faces covered the page. Will's finger pointed to one in particular. It was Summer. She looked younger but she was still beautiful. Under her photo was a caption that wrote, 'Not many people knew you but you were an asset to our school. We hope you get well soon and join us back.' I ran my fingers over the photo as I read the caption to the side. 'S. you were my best friend since we were like ten, I'm going to miss you so much. Get well soon." It suddenly clicked in my head that Summer was ill are few years ago. Now you wouldn't even realise it. She looked healthy and happy. I couldn't believe that I went to school with this girl for a few months before she left.

I flipped through the book looking for photos of her. There was a couple more but one surprised me most. She was sitting on a bench with another girl, her face was turned to the side but you could tell that she was biting her lip and she had a hand resting on her stomach, across the page was a group of young guys and within those guys stood me. It was almost like she was looking in my direction.

I didn't know what to do with this new information, I didn't know whether to tell her or not. I didn't want to hurt Summer's feelings, I knew her being ill might be am upsetting topic.

After some thought and consideration, I decided not to tell her I knew. This couldn't be the reason she left Will's bar. I needed her there.

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