Chapter Twenty Three

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Summer's POV

II was in the kitchen when my waters broke. Harry was in our bedroom packing the baby clothes and Will was at Harry's parents' house for the day. We sent him there because Harry and I wanted to be ready for when the baby arrived but we didn't expect it to be this soon.

"Harry!" I shouted upstairs as I saw the water leaking from me. "I think my water just broke."

Less than a minute later he was downstairs next to me. "Okay Baby, let's get you into the car," he said taking my hand.

I sat in the car with my hands resting on my large stomach. Contractions happened every few minutes coming closer and closer every time. "Hurry up Harry, these contractions are getting closer," I screamed at him.

"We'll be there soon, Baby. Call my parents," he said handing me his phone.

Somehow between contractions I managed to find his Mom's number. It rang three times before she picked up. "Hello Harry, what's up?"

"It's Summer," I replied. "Harry and I are on our way to the hospital, I'm in labour."

"Okay Sweetheart," she spoke over the phone. "I'll call your parents and drop Will off at Nick and Tate's."

"Thank you Julie," I thanked her as I breathed through a contraction.

"No problem, we'll see you shortly," she hung up on me.

A couple of minutes later we arrived at the hospital, Harry parked near to the entrance and helped me get out of the car. At this point the contractions we only a couple of minutes apart. I believed that I was going to have a quick birth with our baby.

We headed inside and went up to the desk at the front. "My wife's in labour," Harry said to the nurse at the desk. I loved how he had already called me his wife even though we hadn't got married yet. "The contractions are two minutes apart."

"Okay," nurse smiled. "We'll get you a room." She typed something quickly onto the computer. "Nurse Adams," she called to a nurse as they walked past. "Mrs-"

"McCain," I finished.

"Is in labour, could you take her to room six-four-nine."

We followed Nurse Adams to the room. "Okay, settle down on the bed, the doctor will arrive shortly," she said.

* * *

"Okay and push again," the doctor said three hours later.

It had been three hours since I came into the hospital, compared to last time it was relatively short. With Will I was in hospital for sixteen hours. Harry was holding my hand tightly in his, every so often he would squeeze it tightly reassuring me.

Mom and Dad had turned up an hour ago, they had to take a two hour journey to get here but they made it. Harry's parents arrived shortly after I was admitted and sat with me while I was getting closer and closer to giving birth. Half an hour ago I called Will to tell him that I loved him and couldn't wait to see him.

I pushed hard, I cried out in pain as I did so. "I hate this," I cried. "Why did I go through this again?"

"Because you love our baby," Harry whispered into my ear.

"It's your fault you know?"

"What's my fault?" he questioned.

"You got me pregnant. That night in Greece you didn't wear a condom, you were the one to suggest that we went out that night and you made me fall in love with you."

"Baby if you think about it, if that night didn't happen we wouldn't be here together now."

"I know," I sighed tiredly. All I wanted now was to get this baby out of me and sleep. "I love you."

"I love you too," he kissed my forehead. "But you need to push, I want to see our baby."

I pushed again when the doctor told me to. About five pushes later the baby slid out. "It's a girl," the doctor said laying the baby on my chest.

"She's beautiful," I cried looking at my beautiful baby girl.

"I have a daughter," Harry muttered taking her little hand in his very large on. "Thank you," he bent down and kissed me. I watched Harry as tears rolled down his cheeks, we were so happy.

"Isabella," I whispered kissing my baby's forehead.

"Isabella," Harry agreed. I handed Isabella to Harry. He whispered, "She's beautiful, like her mother." I smiled at him, he looked good with a baby in his arms. He lent down and kissed her forehead. "I'm so lucky."

"We're lucky."

"I know." He kissed my forehead. "I'm going to tell my parents."

He headed out of the room and I was left alone with our baby. I couldn't believe this day had finally arrived, we had been waiting months for it. I was so happy, I finally had my family.

From the quiet room I was in I heard shouting, "It's a girl!" I laughed at the sound of Harry's voice, he was happy too. Now I just wanted Will to be here.

My parents walked in and congratulated me. They were followed by Harry's parents, in Julie's arms however was a little boy, my little boy. "Hi Baby," I whispered smiling at Will. "Come here and meet your sister."

He walked over to me quietly and settle on the chair beside me. "She's pretty," he smiled reaching out a hand to Isabella. "What her name?"

"Isabella," I told him.

"Belly," he giggled.

"Isabella," I told him again.

"No Belly," he said. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure," I smiled handing Isabella over to him.

"Nick and Tate are waiting outside," Julie said coming to sit on the other side of me. "They brought Will here because they thought you'd want him here."

"Tell them to come in," I smiled.

"They've got the baby with them," she said. "I guess we could swap with them for a little bit."

"Okay," I said. She kissed my forehead and left the room with George.

"We're going to join them," Mom said. "Congratulations."

Mom and Dad joined Julie and George outside the room. A couple of minutes later Nick and Tate entered the room.

"Congratulations!" Tate squealed as she saw Isabella in Will's arms.

We spent the rest of the day having visits from friends and spending time as a family, Harry, Will, Isabella and I. it was the next day that we went home. I was glad to be back in my own bed and in my own house. I was so excited for the wedding in a few weeks, I couldn't wait to be married to the man that I was in love with and had been for the last five and a half years.

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