Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Alex took my hand and pulled me up from the chair. We headed upstairs into a room across from them. We went inside. It was a nice room, lots of pictures on the white walls. The bed messy and old school books sprawled across the floor. We walked over some of them as we stumbled to the bed. Alex sat down and pulled me down too next to him. His hands touched my waist and slowly moved up toward my face. He kissed me lightly, once or twice, but then the kisses before they became quicker and more passionate. I giggled as I felt his hands cradle my bare belly. He kissed my stomach a few times over. I felt him mumble something before he kissed me again.

After a few minutes, Alex rolled over and lay next to me. One hand on my belly the other was in my hand. I placed my hand on top of his resting on my belly.

"This was my room," Alex breathed heavily.

"It's lovely. I guess your mum hasn't really been in here since you left."

"Yeah I guess. I thought she'd at least make the bed or pick my books up. I might as well throw them away now; I don't have any use of them anymore." We didn't speak for a minute or two. "I've always liked my room, it's comfortable, and it has good memories most of the time. It's the place where I could escape. I always had it locked the only person that could come in was Harry."

"I really like how you've decorated the place, you've got so many photos," I said looking at the ones by the bed. I noticed one it's of a girl and a boy about eight or nine. Alex noticed me looking.

"That's of me and Lucy. She was only eight then we had no idea she was going too die then. I've wished so many times it had been me that died, she would of handled things better than me, she would of never of ran away. You sometimes remind me of her, you're so nice just like she was. She was so pretty, she could have been beautiful. If she lived I bet she would have had a stream of boys after her but only have one special one. All the girls would have been jealous and all the boys would have wanted her, she would cry when the first boy broke her heart and I would look after her and say that there are better boys out there. She would have loved you; you would have got on so well with her."

"I bet I would have. I bet she would have been just like you, lovely and sweet. I also bet that she would have been beautiful just like you and we would have gone out and made all the guys jealous because we'd have you in our lives."

"You know I can't talk to anyone about this stuff, even with my own family I find it hard too but when I talk to you about it it's so easy. It just seems like you get it, you understand, you care."

"I will always care, I will always love you."

"I know you will and I will too, I promise," he smiled. "I love you too much. We'll need to think of baby names soon. I was thinking Matt for a boy and for a girl Annie."

"Well I was thinking about Lucy for a girl."

"God I love you. You do think of everything, I'd like it if we named our baby after my sister, my mum will be pleased." Alex lent over to me and kissed me. It was so sweet. We kissed and kissed.

After a while Alex rolled on top of me, his hands on my waist, mine on his chest. I slid my hand under his t-shirt feeling his toned stomach. I pushed the t-shirt off him and got an eyeful of gorgeous muscles. Alex then moved my top to around my bra; I lifted up my arms ready for him to pull it off me. He gave me a quick kiss.

Just as he was about to pull my top off we heard a noise. We turned to face it. It's Harry his face in shock. I yanked down my top and push Alex off me, my face turned redder every second. "What's up, little brother?" Alex asked taking my hand.

"Um Ellie your parents are here," Harry said shyly.

"Thanks Harry, you're a good kid," I said getting off the bed, I tugged Alex off too. We followed Harry downstairs. My parents waited in the hallway. "Hey Mum. Hey Dad. Come in," I said smiling at them. Millie was still getting out of the car. "Mills hurry up."

"This is a nice house Alex," Mum smiled. "Who are you?"

"I'm Harry, Alex's brother," Harry said still a little shocked. "Mum and Dad are in the kitchen."

We all followed through to the kitchen. Julie and George were standing next to each other by the oven. "Mum and Dad this is Julie and George Alex's parents."

"It's so good to meet you," Julie smiled at them.

"You too, I'm Bella by the way and this is Allen. Our daughter Millie should be here in a minute," Mum said. Millie came into the kitchen.

"Hey I'm Millie," Millie smiled. She took a seat at the table. "It's nice to meet you."

"You too," George said smiling at her. "It's nice to meet you all. It's good to have my son back and to have a new daughter."

"Dad, it's good enough that you're back with Mum, I don't think I would have stayed if Mum was still with Paul."

"Um dinner will be ready in a few minutes but first can I speak to you Bella, privately."

"Um sure, we'll be back in a minute." They left the room, my heart beat quicker, I felt Alex grab hold of my hand and give it a tight squeeze.

"Your mum knows about it," I whispered to Alex.

"How come?" Alex asked, looking down at me.

"She guessed, I never thought she would but she did."

"It's okay babe." Mum and Julie came back in the, there was an angry look on Mum's face. I took a deep breath.

"I can't believe you; you tell your boyfriend's mum that you're pregnant before your own mother. How irresponsible are you, you run away from home, you sleep with some boy, you get engaged and then you get pregnant."

"Mum you're wrong, I ran away from home, I finished school, I got a job. I met a lovely boy we kissed, we fell in love, we got engaged, we slept together, we're having a baby and we come back home. Maybe we shouldn't have." Okay, I may have lied about the order of things but they were all true.

"Never say that you shouldn't have come home, I'm so pleased you did but you're so stupid, you're only eighteen, you're so young."

"Mum I know I'm young but I know what I want, I can do it, look at Julie here she's got through it, she was only sixteen when she had Alex. Alex is so supportive I know I've got a family that will look after me if I ever need any help. I didn't tell you Mum because I knew you'd go like this, I only ever want you support but if you can't give that to me I'll understand."

"How long have you been pregnant?" Mum asked.

"I don't know about three months; I tested myself about a month ago because my period hadn't come. It wasn't my choice to become pregnant it just happened."

"You still could get a termination," Mum said not knowing I want to keep the baby.

"I'm not getting a termination, I'm keeping the baby," I said grabbing hold of Alex's hand tightly. "Getting pregnant maybe my biggest mistake but it's also the greatest. I'm sure everyone else in the room would agree that it was a mistake getting pregnant but they're happy they did. Julie do you regret getting pregnant with Alex?"

"No never, I was lucky I had a good guy to help me through it but it was never a mistake I wanted to change. Look at my lovely Alex now, starting his own family with the girl he clearly loves," Julie said smiling. "I know George feels the same."

"I've made plenty of mistakes in my life including leaving Julie when things got tough but having Alex, Lucy and Harry were the best things in my life and sharing them with Julie it made it even better," George said.

"Who's Lucy?" Harry asked confused. We all turned to him, only me, Alex, Julie and George knowing the mistake George just made.

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