New Friends

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"Miss, are you alright?" A deep, masculine voice asked, breaking you away from your nerves. Noticing it was the shorter one who had spoken this time, the one called Dean. His was deep, rough and weathered, and very attractive. 

Thinking fast, you came up with a story. "I am now, thanks to the two of you! Thank you so much for stopping," you exclaimed. "This crazy guy kidnapped me, and I just barely managed to escape!" You had always heard staying as close to the truth was the best thing to do when lying, and you decided to give it a shot. 

You could tell it was working, that these men seemed to have some sort of hero complex. Dean stepped closer, his hand moving from behind his back, holding it up to show you he didn't mean any harm. You took the opportunity, and threw yourself into his arms, doing everything you could to act like a damsel in distress. Dean tightened an arm around your waist, his other hand rubbing your back, trying to soothe you. For a moment you got lost in the way his arms felt around you, the way her smelled of gunpowder and whiskey. 

You caught the brothers sharing a look, sensing that they had a close enough bond they could speak without words. Waiting to see what would happen, you were ready to transport out at any moment, if something went wrong. But you were intrigued by these two men, and for the first time in a long time, you were facing something other than boredom and greedy, desperate people ready to sale their souls. 

"I know you're scared, but can you take us back to where you were held? We want to make sure he can't hurt anyone else." Sam spoke softly, trying not to scare you. 

You had a feeling these men wouldn't really take no for an answer, so you nodded softly, still playing the damsel in distress as much as you could. You just hoped that the man was long gone, so your secret would still be safe.  

Still cuddled into Dean's chest, you pointed to the dirt road behind you. "He held me in a cabin down there."

Dean gently tilted your face, until you were looking up into his eyes. Eyes that were gorgeous from ten feet away, were even more brilliant up close. They were lined with a deep forest green, that slowly transitioned into a lighter, jade green color. It wasn't just the color that drew you in, it was the character shining through. His eyes held hints at the strong, but broken man hiding behind the layers of flannel he wore. They showed that he cared deeply, and would do anything for those he loved. It was something you realized you had never seen in Steven's eyes, only lust and greed. Dean's eyes were the eyes of someone you could fall in love with, if only you still had a heart. But your heart had been taken from you the moment Steven had walked out that door, and you turned to Crowley for solace.

You realized Dean had been talking while you had been absorbed in the depths of his eyes, and you softy asked him to repeat.

"I know you're scared, but we will keep you safe. You'll stay in the car, while we take care of the bad guy. Then, we can take you into town, and back to your family. Okay?" He spoke softly, his tone of voice kind.

Grateful they were giving you the chance to stay in the car. This way, if the man was still there, he might not give away the fact that you were a Demon. You knew starting a relationship on lies was never a good thing, but if Sam and Dean found out what you really were, you would be dead before you could snap your fingers. And you wanted a chance to feel normal for the first time in a hundred years, even if it was based upon a lie.

Dean guided you to the back seat of his car, and you settled onto the comfortable leather seat, waiting for Sam and Dean to climb back in. You watched as the both strode to the front of the car, enjoying the way both men walked with confidence. These were two men who were comfortable in their own bodies.

Thinking back to when you first were turned into a demon, you remembered begging Crowley to let you keep your own appearance. At first he had refused, telling you it was simpler to take meat suits, but you weren't deterred. He then tried explaining that it was more fun if you could turn into anyone, with just the snap of your fingers. But you had wanted something to hold you to your old life, and your appearance was the only thing you had left. Your eyes were your fathers, your hair the same shade as your moms. It kept you tied to your previous human life, and when you felt like the evil was closing in on you, all you had to do was look in the mirror. Then you were reminded that you had once been a kind girl, the kind that had seen the best in each person.

While you were self reflecting, Sam and Dean had finished their conversation, and were in the process of sliding back into the car.

"Alright sweetheart, can I call you that? I don't even know your name. When we get there, I need you to stay in the car. Can you do that for me?" Dean asked, turning enough in the car so he could look you in the eyes.

"Y/N, and yes, I can do that," you replied softly, and soon the sound of a powerful engine starting was heard. The car pulled out, turning onto the dirt road you had just so recently walked. The ride was quiet, both men lost in their own thoughts, and you stayed silent, not wanting to give anything away.

Sam turned to glance at you, a reassuring smile on his face. You were drawn to Sam too, but for a different reason. Sam seemed like someone you could bond with, become best friends with. He had the look of kindness in his eyes, and you knew he would gladly listen to anything you had to say, and not judge. For a second, you wished you could tell him the truth. But you knew if you did, you would be signing your own death warrant.

"Can you tell us anything about this man? Why did he kidnap you? Did you notice, or smell anything strange?" Sam asked, trying to figure out what they were dealing with.

Your plan was to stick as close to the truth as possible. "I have never seen that man in my life, but he kept muttering about needing help, and using me as a trap for revenge against somebody. But I have no idea why."

Sam nodded at your answer, and once again faced forward. What took you an hour to walk, took only minutes by car, and soon the beat up cabin came into view. Nervously you shifted in your seat, and the brothers took it as you being scared.

"Don't worry Y/N, we won't let anything happen to you. Just stay here and lock the doors after we've gone."

Nodding, you watched as both men inconspicuously checked their guns that were tucked in the back of their jeans before slowly moving towards the cabin. In a way you wished you could follow them, and make sure they would be okay. But you had a feeling that they could handle themselves, so you stayed where you were, wondering what would happen when they returned.

A New Life (Dean Winchester X Demon Reader)Where stories live. Discover now