Starting Fresh

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Dean's P.O.V.

Quickly checking behind me as we walked towards the cabin, I wanted to make sure that the girl had stayed behind in the Impala like I had asked. There was something about her, seeing her stranded on the side of the road, it had brought out my protective side, and I had a feeling I would do quite a bit to keep her safe. 

Walking beside my brother, I peered up at the small cabin. The windows were shattered, the door hanging on by a thread. The wood on the front porch looked rotten, and I was afraid one step by either Sam or I would send the whole place falling down. I could sense Sam glancing my way, and with a sigh I turned towards him. "What?" I hissed, keeping my voice low. 

"Dean, how do we know we can trust this girl? For all we know, this could be a trap!" He exclaimed, always the voice of reason.

Shrugging my shoulders, I knew he was right. This could very well be a trap, Y/N sent out to lure us. But for some reason I didn't think so. I don't know why, but I didn't think Y/N would do that to us. 

Carefully stepping up onto the porch, the wood groaned underneath our weight but held us up. With my gun out, I peered through the open door, searching for her captor, or anything else that seemed out of place. 

When nothing moved or caught my eye, I made my way inside. Sam followed behind, both of us searching the small place. It was easy to see that no one had lived here for years. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust, except for the chair in the middle of the room, rope still tied to the legs and arms. 

"It does looks like somebody was held here against their will." Sam remarked, squatting down next to the chair.

"No shit sherlock," I replied, earning a bitch face from my brother.

"Well, do we trust her? It's not like her kidnapper is here to solidify her story." Sam said, looking towards me for guidance.

I thought carefully. It wasn't in our nature to trust easily, but her story seemed to be holding up. And there was something about her, like she could see straight to my soul. I might not trust her yet, but I wanted to know more about her. 

"It does look like her story could be true. I say we keep her with us for a while, see what happens." I said, 

Your P.O.V.

Your mom had always said that idle hands were the devils workshop. Well yours were definitely not idle. While waiting for the brothers to return, your hands kept picking at the loose thread on the hem of your shirt, slowly making it longer and longer as you waited, a nervous habit that you hardly even noticed. 

After what seemed like hours but was only a couple of minutes later, Sam and Dean finally emerged from the cabin. Climbing into the car, Dean turned to face you, his green eyes intense as they gazed your way.

"We scoured the entire cabin. Didn't see anybody. But we did see where you were held. He must have gotten away while you were walking. " Dean explained, while Sam watched curiously.

"So what now?" You asked nervously, knowing they had probably talked about you in the cabin. Sure, you could always transport away if things became messy, but then your cover would be blown, and they would probably end up hunting you down anyways. 

"Now we head back to town, and get some grub. I'm starving, and I bet you are too." Dean explained, turning back, and starting the engine.

Sam glanced at you, before turning his gaze to the wind shield. "Why don't you catch some sleep, it's about an hour to the nearest town."

Agreeing, you curled your legs underneath you, leaning your head against the window. Most Demons didn't eat or sleep, but you still enjoyed the same normal things as a human. You hated the fact that you were a Demon, and you tried to keep as normal a life as possible, including your love for food and a good night's sleep.

Before you knew it, someone was gently shaking you awake. "Hey princess, we're back at the hotel," Dean murmured quietly. "Sam went to get us food."

It took you a while to wake up, you hadn't slept that well in a long time. Something about the movement of the car, the classic rock softly playing, and the security of having two men watching over you did wonders for your sleeping habit. Stretching, you caught Dean glancing where your tight black shirt had ridden up, showing a flash of skin. Blushing, you lowered your arms, and followed Dean as he made his way to one of the faded blue doors lining the outside of an older motel. He opened the door and you followed inside, standing nervously at the door, waiting to see what would happen next.

He threw his duffle bag on the table, before heading straight for the bathroom. Throwing a glance over his shoulder, he noticed you still standing by the door.

"Make yourself at home. There's beer in the fridge, and the remotes on the nightstand. I'll be out soon." He told you, before shutting the bathroom door. 

Moving to the fridge, you pulled out a beer, glancing down at the label. It was your everyday, run of the mill brand, one that had just started producing when you were human. Using the bottle opener on the side of the fridge, you took a sip, wincing at the bitter taste. You had forgotten how bitter beer could be. Beer had never been your first choice of an alcoholic beverage.

"Not a beer fan?" Dean asked from the door of the bathroom, and you shook your head no. A smile on his face, he took the bottle from you, taking a long drink before setting it down on the table. The movement seemed innocent but at the same time, incredibly intimate.

Dean took a step towards you, stepping into what you considered your personal bubble. He reached his hand up, and gently brushed a stray piece of hair away from your face. "Are you okay? I know you've had a lot of things happen in a short amount of time."

A part of you wanted to step back, away from the personal contact that you haven't had since Steven, but another part of you wanted to step forward into Dean's arms to see how far he would take it. Before you could make a decision, Sam burst through the door, multiple fast food bags in his hands. Raising an eyebrow at how close the two of you were, Sam placed the bags on the table. Dean stepped back, and the three of you sat down at the table, digging into the simple fare.

"So Y/N, do you have any family that we can return you back to?" Sam asked, around a mouthful of burger. Looking down at the fry you were ready to inhale, you sadly shook your head.

"No family, they died quite a while ago." You said sadly, and truthfully.

"A job, or a home?" He dug on, before glaring at Dean. Dean must have kicked him under the table or something.

"Not really. I had a job, but I won't be missed. They probably haven't even realized I'm gone," You answered, truthfully. None of the other Demons really cared for you, so they left you alone. The only one who ever visited you was Crowley, but the visits had stopped about a year ago.

"Would you like to stay with us?" Dean asked, earning a bitch face from Sam. "At least until you figure out what you want to do. I have to warn you, we don't have normal jobs, or hours, but with us you would be safe from that man in case he came after you again."

Glancing at Dean, you could tell that he actually wanted you to join them. You considered your options, heading back to your job of a crossroads demon, or embarking on a trip of untold surprises.

"If you don't mind, I would like to stay with you for a while," You answered, almost timidly. "But, what is your job?" You already knew, but you were curious as to their answer.

Dean and Sam shared one of their unspoken conversations before both turning their gaze back to you. "We are hunters. We hunt monsters."

A New Life (Dean Winchester X Demon Reader)Where stories live. Discover now