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The distinct sound of glasses being tapped together filled the air as Dean struggled to carry three ice cold mugs of beer to your table. 

After a successful and relatively easy hunt, the three of you had decided to celebrate Dean's way, and that included alcohol and food at the nearest dive bar. This one happened to be an old world pub, full of character and customers. A long wood bar, dark mahagany, withnicks and scar sat at the far end. Bar stools were brass with faded red velevet seats, and all along the wall were deep booths, leather seats scuffed and faded from years of customers. 

Dean plopped all three mugs on the table, the foam slipping over the edge and sliding to the table. Sliding in next to you, he stretched his arm across the bar above you, sitting close enough to distract you. Sam sat across, his eyes carefully observing you with his brother. 

"The bar tender said this was their special brew, thought we'd try it. And our food is on the way," Dean explained, taking a sip of the frothy liquid. You couldn't help but laugh at the foam mustache that formed on Dean's upper lip, or the way he pouted his lips together making it even funnier. 

"What?" He asked, looking between you and Sam. Taking your finger, you brushed the foam off, enjoy the way his lip felt against your skin. His eyes darkened as you gently swiped your finger across, and he stayed still.

Sam cleared his throat, and slid out of the booth. "Why don't I get us the next round." He suggested, quickly leaving.

With all the foam gone, you started to pull your hand away, and Dean watched it, before catching it in his grasp. The two of you stayed that way, caught in each others eyes, each afraid to make the next move.

You were the first to look away, unable to handle the depth of passion in Dean's green eyes. Dean let go of your hand just as Sam came back with the food and another round.

"Excuse me," You mumbled, needing a moment to catch your breath. Dean stood up, letting you slide out of the booth, watching as you pushed through the crowd, creating a path towards the bathroom. Entering the hallway, you sighed at the long line of women waiting, and made the decision to get some fresh air outside instead.

Pushing out the side door, you took a deep breath, knowing you were way in over your head. In your human life you had never had these type of feelings for anyone, not even Stephen, and you were confused and unsure. You knew nothing could come from these feelings. Crowley and your deceit would make sure of that. Deciding to take a step back from your infatuation with Dean, you moved to go back inside, but a figure in front of you stopped you.

"At first I thought I had to be mistaken, Crowley's pet would never be seen running around with the Winchesters. But then I saw you outside, and knew it was true," The woman spat, stepping out of the shadows and standing in front of you. She was young and beautiful, at least her meat suit was. Inside was one of the meanest Demons you had ever met. She was old, older than Crowley, with a never ending need for death and torture. You had always tried to stay away from her, she always made you nervous.

"Ebony." You muttered, standing your ground, showing her you weren't afraid, even though you were terrified.

"Y/N." She answered. "How do you like my new meatsuit? This one I picked out extra special, an up and coming swimsuit model. I love how all these idiot human men drool over her. They make such easy prey."

Needing this conversation over before the Winchesters came to find you, you played it cool. Crossing your arms, you stared her way, "What the hell do you want?" 

"What do I always want? Control and power. Does Crowley know about you and the Winchesters? "

Trying to step around her, she reached out and grabbed you, her grip strong for her slim meat suit. "You know what? It doesn't matter," she chuckled. "Because your precious Crowley won't be in power much longer."

Forcefully removing her hand from your arm, you stood with your legs spread, ready to fight if needed. "What do you mean?"

Brushing her long golden hair off of one shoulder, she studied her nails, trying but not succeeding in her attempt to look assured. You could tell she was just trying to get a rise out of you.

"You'll see. And when it happens, you're going to become my slave. I can't wait to put a collar on you, and make you my slave," she snarled.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" You heard Dean's voice coming from beside the door.

"This isn't over," Ebony whispered, striding off into the darkness. Shaking off the unease from Ebony's visit, you turned to face Dean, smiling up at him. "Yeah, just a drunk jealous girl," you lied, hating the number of lies that were slowly piling up between you and Dean.

"Are you sure? She seemed like she knew you," Dean asked, still not convinced, his stance that of a hunter on high alert.

"She was definitely friendly but not nice, just jealous that I was in the company of two handsome men," You replied.

"Well, she has nothing to be jealous over, yet," Dean told you, the yet muttered under his breath but you were still able to hear it. "Still doesn't seem right, she really seemed to think she knew you."

"Weird huh?" You shrugged your shoulders, opening the door, trying to leave the encounter and this awkward conversation behind, but Dean didn't want to drop it. As soon as the two of you joined Sam back at the booth, Dean had you recount the story to Sam. They both stayed silent as you came up with a story, the same one about jealousy and drunkness.

Sam seemed to buy it a little more than Dean had, but then Sam hadn't seen the way she had stopped you, or the way she had spoken. But Sam's acceptance of your tale assured Dean, and soon they were back to celebrating, while you contemplated the newest twist in your ever-expanding tale of deceit.

A New Life (Dean Winchester X Demon Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz