Good Bye

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Cas had his arm roughly pressed against your upper chest, making sure you weren't able to go anywhere, his blue eyes scanning you, making sure he was correct. It was scary, knowing this man could kill you at any second, with a press of his fingers or the scary knife pressed against your throat.

Shifting your eyes Dean's way, wanting nothing more to plead with him to help you. Watching as he opened and closed his mouth, trying to make sense of what his friend was telling him. Sam was standing behind Dean, ready at a moment's notice to offer his older brother support. Sure, you weren't like the other Demons, not at all. But Sam and Dean were hunters, and they killed Monsters like you every day. They wouldn't stop to consider the fact that you might not be as bad as the rest.

"What do you mean she's a Demon? She can't be," Dean finally spoke, hoping that this was all some sort of a joke. Waiting for Cas to back off, to laugh. But Cas wasn't moving, and you weren't sure the Angel had ever told a joke in his life.

"Didn't you test her?" Cas asked, pressing the blade closer, pricking your skin, making you squirm, your eyes wide with fright. 

"Of course we..." Dean answered, before looking to Sam for help. Both men thought for a moment before shrugging their shoulders. "I thought we had." Dean finally answered weakly.

Staying silent and still, scared that one wrong move would send that knife through your neck, you kept your gaze on Dean. Pleading with the man you had already fallen in love with to give you a chance. To think before he automatically signed your death warrant. 

Dean was staring at you, his expression breaking your heart. In his eyes was a glimmer of hope that this was all a big misunderstanding, that Cas would laugh and put his knife away. But the set of his shoulders and the line of his jaw proved that he was already readying himself for heartbreak, knowing nothing good ever lasted for him.

"Wait, maybe she was possessed after we met her," Sam suggested hopefully, not liking the look of sadness in his brother's eyes.

"Dean I..." You start to say, wanting to explain yourself, hoping he wouldn't hate you after you did. Before you could get the rest of the words out, Cas pushed the knife farther, and you felt a thin line of blood drip down your neck, a flash of orange coming from the wound. 

"Who are you? What have you done with Y/N?" Cas asked, but before you could answer, you felt the familiar pull start to flow through you, and you knew what was coming. Turning to Dean, you tried once again. "Dean I never meant to hurt you, I just wanted.."

Before you could finish, you were transported back to hell, to Crowley's personal office, landing in the leather armchair placed across from his dark ebony desk.

Reaching up with a shaky hand, you touched your throat, pulling away to see it was still slightly bleeding. Crowley was seated behind his desk, his head buried in a book, his attention far away from you. You were relieved, it gave you a moment to settle yourself. After all, you had just confessed your love, been assaulted, and your true identity found out, all in less than an hour. It was exhausting, an emotionally zapping day, even for a Demon that wasn't supposed to have emotions.

Crowley's summoning couldn't have come at a better time, any later and you might have been dead. But now your relationship with Dean was definitely over, along with your only chance to do good, to be good.

You looked back towards Crowley, noticing he was still engrossed in his book. Last time you had seen Crowley, he had said he was planning on leaving you alone for a while, so you wondered what had changed his mind.

"Crowley, what did you need?" You asked.

"I've decided to pull you from your watching the Winchesters. Nothings come of it so far, and I've decided I need you for more important things," he told you, never looking up, his eyes still glued to the large book in front of him.

Sitting there, you realized that Crowley had unknowingly given you the best thing. If he had ordered you back to them, you would be dead in seconds, either by that Angels blade or by Dean himself.

You really didn't want to leave the Winchesters and their bunker. You had grown quite fond of Sam, the overgrown hunter had slowly turned into your best friend, and the two of you had spent many hours talking about books in the library, sharing your love of vintage stories.

And Dean. Just thinking about him brought tears to your eyes. Dean had given you something you had never thought possible as a Demon, a chance at love. He meant so much to you, and now you had to walk away, and never see him again.

"Earth to Y/N." You heard Crowley say, and you left your depressing thoughts behind, lest Crowley found out and used them against you.

"Sorry," you apologized. Crowley put his heavy book down, and stared at you, causing you to squirm in your seat.

"Is there trouble in paradise?" Crowley asked, standing up, moving towards his bookshelf to replace the book.

As he turned back, you shook your head no, not wanting to explain what happened.

"I'm the King of Hell, darling I can tell when you're lying." He said, sitting next to you, his calm demeanor confusing you. You relented, telling him that your cover had been blown, but leaving out the fact that you were in love with Dean, and that he at one point had returned those feelings.

Crowley rubbed his chin in thought, before standing up and smoothing down his black dress shirt. "So now you're probably on the Winchesters list. What do you think we should do?"

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