Uh Oh

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"Hey guys," You said sheepishly, aware of the fact that you were dressed only in a towel, standing in a devils trap. Facing the two guys you had considered your closest friends at one time. Knowing they no doubt hated you right now. Following your awkward sentence, you gave a little hand wave, mentally cursing yourself for being such a dork.

Looking over at their faces, you waited for one of them to speak. Watching as they stood there, their mouths hanging open in shock. Sam looked much the same, his long hair curling gently at the collar, his body tense, and alert. 

Standing beside his brother was Dean. But not the Dean you had remembered. Gone was the glint in his eyes, the smile he always reserved for you. It looked like the past two weeks hadn't been kind to him. Dark circles were under his eyes, a thick stubble covering his chin. His eyes were hooded as they stared your way, his shoulders straight. 

The silence finally became too much. "Are we going to stand here all day, or are you boys going to tell me why you summoned me?"

Sam seemed to get himself together faster than Dean, speaking first with a hint of uncertainty in his tone. "When we decided to do this crossroads trap, we weren't expecting to see you."

Raising an eyebrow, you made sure the towel was tight around your body before continuing. "Well why did you do the crossroads spell in the first place?"

Dean answered you, and you could have wept at how much you had missed that strong, deep voice. A voice that resonated control and safety, sending shivers down your spine. "We wanted information about you. We weren't sure if you had used a real name or not, so we figured this was the easiest way to find out more. Imagine our surprise when you showed up."

You weren't sure what to make of that news. Wondering if it was good news or not, you stayed in the middle of the Devil's trap, carefully watching them for the next movement in this game of cat and mouse. Not sure if them looking for you was a good thing or not, you stayed in the middle of the devil's trap, carefully watching them for signs of movement. But what you had missed in your first glance but saw in your second caused your heart to drop. Dean was holding a knife, but not just any knife, the one that killed Demons.

Of course, it might be just a precaution, as they dealt with the evil and treacherous Demons. They hadn't realized they would be summoning you. But seeing Dean holding that knife made the harsh truth a reality. That the man you had given your heart to could end your life at any moment.

Dean caught you staring at the knife and he slowly hid it in the back of his jeans, before raising in his arms in a gesture of trust.

"Well, you got me instead of the information, so how can I help you? And does either one of you have an extra tshirt I can borrow? This whole towel thing is a little embarrassing." You asked, muttering the last words, but they still heard you any ways. Dean's eyes darkened, as he seemed to realize for the first time how little clothing you had. He turned his back and strode to the Impala, opening the trunk and ruffling through it.

Sam stayed near the Devil's trap, a serious, angry expression on his face. "How could you? I know you're a Demon, but how could you toy with Dean's emotions like that? It's taking all I can do to not come into that circle and kill you myself." He threatened, his words deep and soft, giving strength to his promise. 

Taking a step back away from Sam, you knew he meant exactly what he said, and given the opportunity, he would gladly stab that knife in your ribs. By this time Dean had returned, a shirt in one hand, shoving something else in his pocket, but you couldn't make out what it was. Once again taking his position next to Sam, he tossed the shirt into the trap, and you reached out, grasping it to cover your front as your towel came apart and slid to the ground.

Both Sam and Dean stared at you, not even turning their eyes upward to give you privacy. Blushing furiously, you quickly slid the shirt over your head, trying to keep covered as you went, feeling utterly humiliated. You hated the fact that you were stuck in the trap, begging for clothes from the men who would no doubt end up killing you. Men you had once been close to. It hurt, and you felt a tear slip down your cheek, hidden from Sam and Dean.

As soon as the plain black t-shirt slipped over your head, you realized it as the mistake it was. Dean had been waiting for you to drop your guard, slipping into the Devil's trap as soon as the shirt was over your head. By the time you could see once again, he was standing at your side. 

"Dean..." You started to say, with Dean standing so close your thoughts were muddled. Before you could say anything more, Dean whipped a pair of handcuffs out of his pocket and slapped them on your wrists.

With a heavy heart, you looked down at your imprisoned hands, noticing that these were the men of letter's handcuffs, for they were warded with devils traps and enchantments, meaning you were now at the mercy of the Winchesters.

Glancing up at Dean with tears in your eyes, you saw him soften towards you, just for a moment, before quickly looking away, his face nothing more than a mask.

Roughly grabbing your upper arm, he pulled you to the edge of the devils trap, and waited for Sam to break the line. Sam had stayed quiet so far, watching the exchange between you and Dean. Sighing, Sam used the toe of his boot to break the trap. Without a word, Dean pulled you behind him to the Impala, his grasp rough and unyielding. Opening the door, Dean shoved you inside,  your head hitting the door frame. Your cry of pain was ignored as he attached the handcuffs to the door handle, slamming the door shut.  Moving to the driver seat, he sat down just as Sam slid in beside him. 

Dean turned the Impala on, and what was once the comforting roar of the engine now caused tremors of fear to run through your body. Scared, you couldn't help but wonder what the future had in store for you. 

"Where are you taking me?" You asked, your shaky voice betraying your fear.

"Back to the bunker. The rest is none of your business yet." Dean answered before turning the radio loud, effectively stopping the chance for any more conversation. Instead, you stared out the window, knowing this might be the last time you could feel the sun on your skin.

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