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Days passed, and even you were getting frustrated with the lack of clues. All three of you had been working around the clock. Absolutely nothing had been found on Ebony. She couldn't have vanished, but it almost seemed like that was the case. 

Grinding your teeth in frustration, you slammed yet another book shut. Both Sam and Dean were glued to the screen of their laptops, researching new leads on there. Still uncomfortable around technology, you had stuck with the more concrete items such as papers and books. 

Standing up, you stretched your back, trying to relieve some of the tension that had made its way to your shoulders. Planning on making dinner for everyone, you headed to the kitchen but were stopped by Dean. "Where are you going?" 

"Just to the kitchen. I thought everyone would be getting hungry," you muttered, pushing past him. In the kitchen you stormed around, gathering ingredients and slamming them on the counter. Dean hadn't placed the bracelet on you yet, but a part of you wished he would just get it over with. You were tired of constantly being under scrutiny, always being questioned or followed. He still made you sleep with him in his bed, but that wasn't as much of a hardship. In fact, just this morning you had woken up in his arms. It had only lasted a moment, before he noticed and raced out of the room. But you just wanted things to go back to normal. Or at least as normal as they could be with a Demon and a hunter. 

Sam wasn't nearly as bad. He let you move about on your own, starting to trust you again. Not once had you even acted like you were going to run, and you were hoping Dean would notice. You knew you had shattered his heart, and it would take time for any sort of relationship to build up again. But your heart was hurting just as much, and kept crumbling every time you looked at him and saw that look. One full of distrust and almost loathing.  

"Is everything okay?" His deep, whiskey on the rocks voice sounded from the doorway. "I heard a lot of rattling going on in here."

"Everything's fine. You don't have to worry, I'm not trying to run away." You grumbled, your mood as sour as your thoughts. 

He threw his hands up in defeat. "Woah, just trying to help. I can leave."

As he turned to leave, you instantly felt sorry for snapping at him, it wasn't all his fault. "I'm sorry Dean. I'm just frustrated that we haven't found anything by now."

Stopping in the doorway, his hand on the frame, he turned to face you, studying your face for a moment, before his suddenly hardened. "Don't worry. Something will come up soon, then you can go back to being a precious Demon." He  snarled at you before leaving.

"Dean wait, that's..." You tried to explain to his retreating back, but it was too late, he was out of earshot.

Wanting to cry, you busied yourself with dinner instead. Knowing that it was something you could do that no one would be upset over. 

An hour later, you brought out sizzling plates full of steak and potatoes, placing one in front of each boy before going and getting your own. Cutting into the steak, you closed your eyes as you took a bite, a little sigh of enjoyment slipping past your lips. 

"Should we give you and your steak some privacy?" Sam teased, causing you to blush.

"I'm sorry, I've just always enjoyed food," You explained.

"I know the feeling." Dean agreed, actually smiling your way. 

The three of you ate in silence, the two men still intent on their computer screens, you content to just sit and watch for the moment. Taking their plates, you took them into the kitchen, before bringing out your secret weapon.

"Pie?" Dean asked, almost as if he was imagining things.

"Pie." You confirmed, handing him the biggest slice.

Taking a huge bite, he gazed up at you in surprise. "Did you make this?" He asked, his mouth full of the apple pie filling, and flaky crust.

"Yes, I did. I took a baking class while at boarding school, and most of the techniques are still the same." You told him before taking a small bite.

"Wait, you were in boarding school? When?" Sam asked, interested in the history aspect of it all.

You found yourself explaining a little bit about your past, about your wealthy but loving parents, your schooling, everything that happened before you met Steven.

"Wow, sounded like an interesting time to be alive," Sam told you, his laptop forgotten in front of him.

"Yeah, I don't think you would have liked it Sammy. No laptops." Dean teased, earning a bitch face from Sam and a giggle from you. It was fun seeing them like this again, teasing and laughing with each other. You had caused quite a disturbance when they brought you back, which had seeped into their relationship.

Returning to their research, you were standing up to return to the kitchen when Sam spoke up. "Guys, I think I found something!" 

"What?" Both you and Dean said at the same time.

"There's a small town in southern Minnesota that has seen some pretty random stuff lately. Maybe even demonic stuff."

Moving over to look over Sam's shoulder, you read the news article. 'It could be her. Killing off the jealous housewives would be something she would do. She's probably sleeping with their husbands. I think we should check it out."

Both Sam and Dean slammed their laptops shut before heading down the hallway to gather their items. You followed along, heading into your old room to gather some clothes. You were waiting at the Impala before Sam and Dean arrived, your duffle bag already on the back seat. 

As soon as they showed up in the garage and their bags were in the trunk, Dean turned to look at you. "Why aren't you in the car yet?"

Instead of answering, you raised your wrist. Letting him know without words that you were willing to cooperate any way they needed. Even if it meant wearing that cuff. 

Sighing, Dean looked between you and Sam, frowning at the shrugged shoulders his brother gave him. He slowly took the velvet bag out of his pocket, and held out the bracelet, but not putting it on you.

"It's alright Dean." You told him as he hesitated. 

Finally making a decision, he surprised everyone by placing it back in the bag. "You haven't tried to escape yet. And if you do, we know how to summon you back. And then, it will stay on for good."

Speechless, you stared up at Dean, making no move to get in the car."

Flustered, he ran his hand through his hair, before opening the back door. "Don't make me regret my decision. Now get in the damn car."

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