Stull Cemetery

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Within the hour the Impala was packed back into the Impala and you were waiting for Dean. He had spent the time praying to Cas, trying to get in touch, but so far all of his prayers had gone unanswered.

Finally giving up, Dean grabbed the last bag, his duffle bag. "It's not like him to ignore me like that," Dean muttered. "We really need him on this." 

"Maybe he's not answering because I'm not here," you mumbled softly, hoping that wasn't the case. You didn't want to come between Dean and saving his brother. "He doesn't like me." 

Dean stopped in his tracks, staring back at you in surprise. "That's what you think? That he's not answering because he doesn't like you? I really don't think that's the reason." 

Before Dean had even finished speaking, the rustling of wings sounded behind Dean. "Actually Dean, that is the reason. I do not like her, and I cannot trust her. She's a Demon, who has betrayed you once before," Cas spoke up, holding his Angel blade out in front of him, eyeing you warily.

Dean turned to face Cas, a bewildered look upon his face. "Woah dude, calm down. She's here to help."

Cas took a step forward, grinding his teeth. The Angel blad was held tight in his hand, and you immediately took a step back, scared of the way he was staring at you. "No! I will not calm down! Dean, she's a Demon! She's just waiting for the right moment to turn on us!"

"This is ridiculous, standing around arguing about me while Sam is being held hostage and Ebony is about ready to raise Lucifer. How can I make you trust me enough to work together? " You yelled, surprising both Dean and Cas. 

Dean sighed, reaching into his pocket. "I still have this."  In his hands was the bracelet. You had yet to wear it, and were a little surprised that he had been carrying it in his pocket. "This will subdue all of her powers. Turning her pretty much human. If she promises to wear this, will you trust her enough that we can get a move on?" 

Cas still stared at you with distrust. "Can she take it off?" 

"No she can't. Only we can," Dean assured him. Knowing you were wasting time arguing, you stepped forward, holding your arm out to Dean who seemed a little hesitant. 

"I'm sorry," he sighed. "If it was up to me...,"

"But it's not. It's for the best," you assured him as he slid the bracelet onto your arm. Immediately, the bracelet took effect, currents running through your system, your Demonic powers fading away to nothing. Your body grew weaker, your knees shaking with the effort of holding yourself up. The bracelet made you dizzy, and you stumbled, almost falling to the ground but Dean caught you. Holding you up with his arm around your waist. 

"Y/N, are you alright?" He asked, guiding you to the edge of the bed.

Even with his support, you almost didn't make it, your dizziness affecting your movement. Closing your eyes, you collapsed onto the bed, not answering Dean. 

"I don't like this, I'm going to take it off," Dean stated, moving his hand to your wrist, but you stopped him.

"Dean it's for the best. This way we can all work together to save Sam. I'll get used to it. It's okay." You reassured him.

Dean clenched his jaw, shaking his head. "I don't...," he started to say, displeased with the way things were heading, but you knew he was just as frustrated as you were. 

It took a moment, but you were finally able to sit up, your head no longer spinning. "Now what?" You asked, trying to turn the attention from you to something more important. Like saving Sam. 

"Now we head to Stull Cemetery, and try to stop another apocalypse from happening and save my brother," Dean told you, helping you to your feet, staying by your side while you gathered your strength.

Cas walked with the two of you to the Impala but refused to climb in. "I'm going ahead of you. See if anything has started yet, how Sam is doing. I'll report back as soon as I'm able." 

Dean started the Impala in silence, both of you staring out the window. Fields passed by, both of you lost in thought as Dean sped towards Lawrence Kansas.  

It was almost twenty minutes later before Dean finally broke the silence. "Cas is gone. Want the bracelet off?"

Glancing down at the bracelet, you realized that you had become somewhat used to the lack of your powers and the weakness that went with it. "No, leave it on. He might come back any minute."

You could tell he wasn't convinced but he didn't argue. Reaching forward, he switched on the radio, his scarred fingers messing with the dials, trying to find a song on the radio. Seconds ticked by before he became frustrated, switching it back off. "Listen, I know Cas seemed more than a little rude back there. I'm sorry about it, but that's Cas. He's just looking out for those close to him, and we haven't had the greatest luck with Demons."

"You don't have to apologize for him," you said quietly. "He's just doing what a good friend should do. I know I'm a Demon, and that most Demons are untrustworthy. I'm used to getting nasty glances, being called names, or people trying to use me to their advantage. It hurts, and it's never gotten any easier to deal with. But I do understand where he is coming from."

Dean took his hand off of the steering wheel and placed it on your knee. The move surprised you, sending a shiver through your body at the long-awaited touch.  "And I haven't been the nicest to you either. I understand why you did what you did, and I'm sorry that I let my emotions get in the way. I just hope that maybe after this is all said and done, we can try to fix things."

"Even though I'm a Demon?" You had to ask because the hope that this was truly happening was almost too much to bear.

He sighed. "Even though you're a Demon. But you're nothing like the Demons I've known, and I know you at least deserve to be given a chance."

"Thank you, Dean, that means a lot." You replied quietly, trying hard not to smile. It was nice, knowing that even though things weren't going well right now, there was a promise of good things to come. 

You weren't sure what to say next. But the option was taken from you, with Cas quickly appearing in the back seat. Letting out a little squeal, you smacked your head against the window while Dean tried to regain control of his precious car. 

"Damn it Cas!" Dean cursed while you held your ringing head in your hands, but Cas ignored him.

"She's there, along with four or five other Demons. Sam is beaten and bloody on the ground, unresponsive." Cas informed the both of you.

"How far out are we?" You asked. It was the news you had expected to hear, but you still hated the thought of Ebony winning. Of her torturing Sam while you were helpless. 

"About 15 minutes. Not too much farther." Dean grumbled, his voice growing quiet at the end, worry for his brother evident in the stiff set of his shoulders, the way his knuckles were tightly grasping the steering wheel.

It was your turn to reach over, squeezing his hand in reassurance. You didn't miss the narrowed glare Cas sent your way, or the way Dean's eyes fluttered your way in surprise. "Don't worry Dean, we will save him." You promised, knowing you would do anything to save Sam.

Dean just nodded his head, pressing down on the pedal until he was going at least twenty over the speed limit.

"What do you want me to do?" Cas asked, finally leaning back against the seat. 

"Why don't you go back and stay hidden, wait for our signal." You suggested, and Cas looked to Dean for confirmation. When Dean nodded, Cas disappeared.

"So when we get there, what's our plan?" You asked.

"We stop her, anyway, anyhow," Dean said simply.

Knowing it was the only answer you would get, you watched as the iron gate loomed into view, and you had a feeling this was not going to end well.

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