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After their admission, they both stared your way, waiting for you to laugh or scream, or run out of the door, never to look back. They weren't prepared for how calmly you seemed to take the news. 

"Monsters are real?" You asked curiously. "Was the guy who kidnapped me a monster?"

Dean scooted his chair closer to yours, taking your hands between his large callused ones. "I know this is a lot to take in, but yes, monsters are real. Demons, vampires, ghosts, you name it, we've killed it. However, I think the guy who kidnapped you was just a creepy human, we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary."

You watched as one of his thumbs soothingly rubbed the back of your hand, the slight contact running a bolt of electricity straight through you. You had never felt anything like it, never in your relationship with Steven. It was exciting, but scary at the same time. 

"If I stay with you, can you teach me to hunt?" You asked, knowing you were being reckless for even suggesting it. But you were tired of being evil. You wanted to do good for a change, instead of sentencing people to an afterlife of torture. You knew being a Demon and a hunter would be hard, but you wanted to give it a shot.

You could see Sam's disapproving look, but Dean ignored it, nodding his head. "I think we could do that. We would start small, having you mainly on research as we teach you the ways about hunting, get you use to handling a gun. Hunting is dangerous, and I don't want to see you getting hurt princess." 

"I'm in!" You exclaimed, earning a mega watt smile from Dean. 

"Great! Now Sam and I have a small job to finish here, so why don't you relax. Maybe take a shower or something and we'll be back soon," Dean suggested, standing up and grabbing his coat. Sam followed suit, and soon you were standing at the window, watching as the Impala kicked up dust as it pulled out of the parking lot. 

Sitting back down at the table, you thought about how much your life had change so quickly. Just this morning you had been about ready to die from boredom, and then Sam and Dean had come along, trusting you easier than you had expected, offering you a new life. A new chance at being a good person once again. Dean had amazed you with his willingness to keep you at his side, but you knew it would take Sam time to come around. And you didn't blame him, since they had found you on the side of the road, with only your story as evidence. 

While you sat there, you began to feel the familiar pull of being summoned. It was like a leash, tugging on you, urging you to move. If you tried ignoring it, it would get more and more insistent before you wouldn't be able to breathe. Groaning, you knew you would have to give, but you wondered how this would work while being a hunter. It could certainly give you away if you happened to be summoned in front of Sam and Dean.

Hoping that you would be back before Sam and Dean, you gave in, feeling yourself being transported to the next crossroads, or so you thought. 

With your eyes closed, you immediately noticed the smell. Nothing on Earth had this putrid, horrible smell of burning flesh, brimstone and sulphur. Opening your eyes, you glanced around, wondering who had summoned you downstairs. To Hell. 

"Hello Darling," Crowley purred, sprawled across his throne. Wearing his traditional dark charcoal suit and shirt with a red tie, he was dapper as always. 

"This is a surprise Crowley." You muttered, your tone conveying your annoyance.

Standing up, he sauntered over to you. As you waited nervously, you realized that the two of you were alone in the throne room, a rare occurrence. "I just wanted to check up on my favorite pet. Darling, it's been too long." 

"Not long enough." You muttered, causing him to frown.

He ran his finger along the collar of your shirt. "Is that any way to talk to your King? I've killed Demons for much less." 

You stood your ground, waiting for him to get to his point. He might have a big bark, but he very seldom followed through with you. 

"I knew you were summoned today. I was just concerned when I didn't receive a contract. What happened?" He asked, staying a little too close for comfort. 

Relieved, he was concerned about that, and not about you galavanting with the Winchesters, you explained what had happened, leaving out being rescued by Sam and Dean.

"That bastard. If you see him again let me know. I have a special place for people like him." He growled, his eyes flashing red, showing how upset he really was.

Placing your hand on Crowley's shoulder, you tried showing him that you were okay. "Don't worry Crowley. I think that man is scared enough. I don't think he'll ever pull a stunt like that again. But it has shaken me up more than I want to admit. Is there anyway I can have some time to recuperate. 

Facing you, you could see Crowley thinking fast. "Time off? We're Demons! Demons don't get time off!" 

Figuring it was worth another shot, you tried again. "I know, and I feel weak for asking. But I really need a week or two before I get back in the game. Please?"

Crowley could never resist you, and he grudgingly nodded his head. "2 weeks. Then I expect you back and doing double the work. Got it?"

Thanking Crowley, you quickly transported back to the hotel room, noticing that dusk was starting to settle. You had been in Hell longer than you had imagined. At least you had beaten the Winchesters back. Rushing into the bathroom, you hopped into the shower, trying to scrub some of the smells of Hell off of you, wincing when you remembered that you had no clean clothes with you. Snapping your fingers, you used your powers to clean the ones you had, and slid them on just as the door to the motel room creaked open.

You stepped out of the bathroom, smiling at Sam and Dean as they trudged into the room, their clothes and bodies covered in a fine layer of dirt.

"How did the job go?" You asked, settling on the edge of one of the beds.

"Piece of cake. Just a little messy." Dean explained, giving you a smile, the whites of his teeth standing out against the darkness of the dirt. "How about you? Were you bored to tears while we were gone?"

Shaking your head, you explained, "Just caught up on some more sleep. Thats it."

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