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Quietly you were transported back to your motel room, and for a moment you stood in shock, watching as Dean tore apart the room. He had this ridiculous snarl on his face, tossing the lamp to the ground as he growled. 

"Damn it Sam! Why didn't I put the bracelet on her when I had the chance? Now she's gone, and we'll never see her again," he yelled, a beer bottle the next victim of his temper. 

Sam winked your way, already noticing you were back. "Dean, Y/N is," he tried interrupting his brother, but Dean just went off on another tangent.

"And how are we supposed to find this Ebony without her help, and who knows what she wants to do with you, and..."

Fed up with his temper tantrum, both you and Sam yelled his name at the exact same time. Finally, he shut up, his chest heaving with exertion as he looked at Sam. He looked distraught and upset, something you had exactly expected. 

"Sam, what is it?" Dean asked tiredly, his frustration and anger ebbing away from him, his shoulders slumped. He still hadn't even noticed your return. 

Quietly, you spoke up, not wanting to refuel that anger. "Hi, Dean." 

Dean froze, his entire body stiffening in shock before he slowly turned to face you. His eyes traveled your body slowly before finally resting on your face. His eyes look haunted, with what seemed like sadness deepening the green to a dark forest shade. Making you wonder if your absence affected him more than you thought.  

"Y/N." Your name tore from his lips, just a whisper of hope, before he realized his mistake, and put his mask back in place. A mask showing you nothing but distrust and annoyance. But for a moment you had a glimpse of the Dean who used to love you, who you hoped would come to like you again someday.

"Where the hell did you go?" He growled, crossing his arms and leaning back against the wall. "I thought you promised you wouldn't leave." 

"I really don't have any control of being summoned," you reminded him. "But I did come back. I promised you I would stay." 

Sam stepped into the conversation then. "Who summoned you? Was it another crossroads deal?"

Sitting down on the couch you quickly explained about your quick visit with Crowley. Both Sam and Dean stood by the wall, listening intently to everything you had to say. 

Your story didn't last long, and soon Sam had his laptop open, trying to figure out which townhouse she might be in.

Dean stayed put, his arms still crossed as he stared down at you. "Why are you so important to Crowley? I've never seen him this invested in another Demon. Or person for that matter," Dean asked you, with a hint of jealousy tinging his words.  

"I figured this story would come out someday," you muttered, wondering if this would change their view of you, not that it mattered. To Dean, you were already an evil Demon who had double-crossed them once." 

"You can tell us, you know we won't judge," Sam mumbled, closing the lid on his laptop to give your story his undivided attention.

"You already have," You whispered bitterly, tears threatening to fall even though you didn't want them to. Tears showed your weakness. Keeping your gaze down, you didn't notice the unspoken conversation that happened between the brothers. 

Seconds ticked by before you heard the scraping of a chair being pulled over, and the weight of someone sitting next to you on the couch. A gentle hand tilted your head up, making you gaze into your favorite pair of green eyes. 

Dean was sitting next to you, his knee brushing against yours, as he softly wiped away the errant tear that had spilled over.

"Sammy and I, we're sorry. I know that we've jumped to conclusions on more than one occasion. We haven't been the nicest since we've found out you're a Demon. We'll...I'll try harder. But can you please tell us why you're so close with Crowley?"  

You couldn't speak. Hearing Dean apologize was something you had never imagined to hear. It was a shock, and while it wasn't the perfect apology, but it was a start. 

"My family was very wealthy in their day. I grew up able to have everything I ever wanted. Everything I ever needed was available with a snap of my fingers. It wasn't a perfect life, but it was close. But then I met Steven, and he turned my world upside down," you paused, amazed at how much it still affected you, even after all this time. Taking a deep breath, you thought for a moment about how you wanted to continue, noticing Dean's stony expression at the mention of another man. 

"Steven was a stage actor, not quite respectable for a railroad tycoon's daughter. I didn't care, he seemed amazing. So I left everything I had known, losing my family, my privileged life."

You stopped again, but Sam, who was sitting in the chair across from you gave you a gentle nod to continue.

"We had a hard life, living in a horrible flat, barely surviving. It was tough on Steven, and he soon grew angry and violent. I realize now that he probably wanted me for my parents fortune, not because he loved me. " Taking a deep breath you continued, staring at Deans callused hand where it laid across his knee.

"Steven became sick, and I wasn't sure what to do. He became violent one day, and I ran, meeting Crowley. He offered to save Steven which I quickly agreed, hoping that if he was healthy again he would love me again." By this time you had tears in your eyes, this story was something you had tried hard to forget.

"When I returned he was healthy, but done with me. He beat me, badly, then left, taking all of my meager possessions. That's when Crowley showed up again, offering to take my soul right there. I know I didn't have much choice. My parents probably wouldn't take me back, and back then...there was really one other choice of a profession for a fallen woman. And I did not want to become one of those...those..women of the night."

"Such a sweet man," Dean remarked sarcastically, but Sam hushed him.

"Crowley really was." You defended him. "He took me under his wing, kept me away from the usual torture and evil most Demons have to go through. Then, when he became King, he gave me my job, not expecting me to kill or torture like most."

That was your story, now you just waited for them to laugh it off. You hated even thinking about that time, when you had been so full of hope and love, and it had just been shoved right back into your face.

Sam was the first to speak. "Well I for one hope that jerk Steven got what was coming to him. I'm sorry you had to go through all that, just because of him."

Dean was still silent, and you were starting to worry. He seemed deep in thought, and from the looks of it, he wasn't happy.

"I think I'm going to head out, grab us some food," Sam mumbled, standing up and grabbing his blue canvas coat. In an instant he was out the door, leaving you alone with a brooding Dean. 

The sound of the door shutting shook Dean out of his thoughts, and he stood up, heading to the fridge to grab a beer. "So love gone wrong huh?" He stated, before taking a sip.

Nodding, you stayed on the couch, watching his every move.

"So you and Crowley?" He asked.

You nodded. "Crowley has always been there for me." You told him, not really getting at what Dean was hinting at. 

"So, you were with him while we were together? You were two-timing me?" Dean fumed, turning your story into fuel for his anger at you. 

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