Can it Be

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The man paused, staring at you, waiting for you to answer, or at least for you to recognize him. His green eyes seemed familiar, but no matter how hard you pushed yourself, you couldn't place this handsome man standing in front of you. 

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" You questioned, tilting your head to your side. "And why did you call me Y/N?" You were curious and scared, ready to run at the slightest suggestion that something wasn't right. 

"It's me, Dean. You don't remember me at all?" He asked, and you could sense the disappointment hidden in his voice.

Wanting to trust him, you willed your body to relax. "I'm sorry, but I don't even know who I am, or where I should be." You muttered, turning your head away in shame.

Dean took his callused hand, gently placing it on your chin, turning your face so your eyes were facing his. It was the move of a man comfortable with touching you, not of a stranger, and it shook you to the core.

You could see the hurt in his eyes, the pity for you, but also the relief as his hand slipped away from your chin. "Let me help you," he pleaded, speaking so softly you almost didn't hear him. 

You wanted to, you really did, but you were still so shocked and confused that you had a hard time knowing what to do. "Listen, I don't know you. Maybe I did, at one time. But right now I think I need to figure things out myself."

Dean took a step back away from you, his shoulders dropping in defeat. Almost immediately you regretted your words, feeling the separation with desperation you didn't even recognize. The safety of his arms was calling you, telling you that you could find solace in them. But there was this nagging voice in your head telling you to trust no one. Especially this handsome man in front of you. "Listen Y/N, you and I go way back. Come with me, and I will find a way to help you remember," he tried pleading with you, his hands up in front of him in a gesture of trust.

You glanced around you, your food forgotten, as you cased the joint. No one was paying attention to the two of you, and Dean was standing just right of the door. If you ran, you could probably make it. Standing up, you took a step towards Dean, noticing how still he stayed. Placing a hand softly on his chest, you leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Thanks, but no thanks," your lips brushed against his skin before you pushed past him, hurrying to the door. 

As soon as you pushed the door open, you ran as fast as you could, past a shiny black car, and down the street. You could hear that Dean guy yelling from behind you, but you couldn't stop now. You knew you were being foolish, that you were probably running from the best chance to help you. But it scared you, your feelings for a man you couldn't even remember. You couldn't name those feelings, but just looking into those green eyes filled with compassion, and something like disbelief brought longing to your heart.

Your feet pounding the pavement, you ran away from town, down a two-lane road, the lights growing dimmer until there were none at all. It was then you slowed to a walk, your lungs burning, and your legs shaky.

You had no idea what to do now. You could keep on going, leaving the town you felt connected to. You could turn around, find someplace to sleep for the night, get a job in the morning until you figured out your next step. Or you could turn around and find the man who seemed to know you. He even called you by a name, Y/N. It was a pretty name, and it seemed to fit you, but even that thought scared you. The fact that a stranger knew more about you then you did.

Knowing the third route was the best option, you tried to guide your stubborn heart to it. But your brain and your heart weren't seeing eye to eye at the moment, and you soon found your footsteps heading away from town once again.

As you trudged along, you looked up at the sky, still dark in the early morning, the stars hidden behind clouds. As you trudged along, a crack of thunder shook the ground underneath you as the first raindrop splashed coldly on your nose.

"Great." You muttered to yourself, as one raindrop became many, and before you could find cover in the trees you were drenched and shivering. Standing dejectedly on the side of the road, looking for cover, you heard the rumble of an engine before you saw the bright lights of a car behind you. Standing on the side of the road, you waited for it to pass, but as it came closer it slowed, before coming to a complete stop beside you.

It was a nice car, a vintage black car that shined in the lightning strike overheard. "Y/N!" You heard Dean yell before you saw him, he was climbing out of the driver's seat, oblivious to the rain pouring down. Rushing over, he stood in front of you. "Why did you take off? I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Because you scared me!" You yell over the fury of the storm. "You seem to know who I am, and that terrifies me. Because I don't!"

A bolt of lightning struck the ground not far from you, and both of you jumped at the loud crack that immediately followed.

"Please get in the car. We can talk, and if you're still afraid, then I will drop you off somewhere safe." Dean begged. Between his puppy dog eyes, and the storm scaring you, you gave in, wanting to get warm and dry.

"Do you promise?" You asked, shivering.

Dean shrugged his coat off, gently placing it on your shoulders, before nodding. "I promise." He said, holding out his hand.

Taking a deep breath, you placed your hand in his, the touch sending a shock through your entire system. He guided you to the passenger door, where you slid in, watching him as he rounded the hood and slid in beside you.

Putting the car in gear, he drove straight, instead of turning around. "Where are you going?" You asked, uncertainty causing you to shift closer to the door, your hand on the handle.

"To my home. The Bunker. Seems like you were heading straight for it."

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