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With frustrated tears slipping down your cheeks, you stared down at the cuffs tight on your wrists. With devil's traps carved into the metal, you had a feeling you wouldn't be able to slip out of them. But you still had to try. Tugging as hard as you could, using the Demonic strength you hated, you pulled until your wrists turned bloody. It was no use, your strength quickly waning, either from the enchantment or frustration, you weren't sure. 

Giving up on the cuffs, you caught motion out of the corner of your eye. As quickly as you looked up, you could see Dean moving towards the exit, no doubt planning on locking you up inside the stone chamber. 

"Dean wait! Please! I can explain, just come back. Don't leave me in here." You were sobbing, begging, your pride long forgotten, left behind at that nameless crossroads. All you wanted was for Dean to stop and listen. For him to forgive you and unchain you from this cold room. 

Your words made Dean stop, and for a moment hoped shined in your heart but was quickly shattered at his words. "There is nothing you can say that will ever make me forgive you," he spat, his eyes dark with anger. "So just drop the act already. It's getting old."

With those venomous words floating between the two of you, he slammed the door shut, blanketing you in darkness. Your heart beat furiously, so fast you thought it might rip out of your chest. You hated the dark. It terrified you. When you were first being trained as a Demon, Crowley would lock you up for days in his favorite pit, dark and deep, filled with anything your imagination could dredge up. All the while thinking it would squash your fear. His plan had backfired, turning a simple fear into something that could completely paralize you. Just another reason why you sucked at being a Demon. Because no Demon should be afraid of something as simple as the darkness.

Telling yourself that you needed to calm down, you tried taking deep breaths. Breathing in and out, counting to five with each inhale and exhale. But thoughts kept flying through your mind, reminding you that you could possibly die down here. The calm breathing vanished, your breaths getting shorter, your chest growing tighter, a panic attack on the verge of happening. Pulling as hard as you could on the cuffs, the chair groaning with your movements. Trying anything to break free. Missing the sliver of light near the door that slowly became a long slim line across the floor as the door opened.

The heavy door creaked as it was pushed even farther open, but you were so worked up you missed the sound of uncertain footsteps as they came closer. Missing the voice telling you to stop, that you needed to calm down. Promising that they weren't killing you. Yet. 

You were still sobbing uncontrollably, big fat tears rolling down your face, soaking your borrowed shirt, your hands and ankles bloody and raw from your efforts to escape the darkened cell. You were still fighting, your body in the flight mode as you tried to reign in on your fright, but failing.

It wasn't until you felt the pain of liquid being splashed on you that you were able to slowly pull out of your panic attack. Gasping in pain, you stared at the steam rising from your skin, the pain excruciating. But it had done the trick, calming you out of your panic attack.  You could still feel the after effects, your heart beating rapidly, your lungs gasping for any sort of breath, your eyes stinging from the salty tears (which is why Demons never cried), your wrists and ankles burning.

Looking through red, puffy eyes, you saw Sam standing at the edge of the trap, a silver flask grasped tightly in his hand, ready to splash you with holy water once again.

"Sam." You mumbled, your voice hoarse from sobbing. You weren't sure what you meant. If it was a plea for help, or begging him to hurry up and kill you. It would be better than watching the two people you cared about more than anything look at you with barely concealed hatred.    

"What the hell was that?" Sam asked, screwing the lid back on the flask. "This trap is strong enough that your powers won't work down here, so there's no use trying."

You shook your head, the slight movement amplifying the pounding echoing through your skull. Moaning, your head was tilted to the side, trying to alleviate some of the ache.

"I wasn't trying to use my powers," You said quietly, knowing he probably wouldn't believe you, but you wanted to try anyway, hoping that finally someone would believe you that you hadn't meant to hurt them. 

Sam seemed to ponder your statement, his eyebrows drawn tightly together in thought, as he unconsciously rubbed his thumb up and down the smoothness of the silver flask. "Fine, so you weren't using your powers. What were you doing?"

You knew answering this one could be tricky. Who would believe that a Demon would be afraid of the dark? It was like saying a vampire was afraid of blood, it went against everything in a Demon's nature to be afraid of the dark.

"You don't have to answer, I really don't care," Sam continued after you stayed silent, turning to leave the room and you panicked, knowing as soon as he left the room that door would close once again, leaving you in darkness. Completely at the mercy of your thoughts. 

"It's stupid, " You started, causing him to stop in his tracks. Turning to face you again, he ran his hands through his long locks before tucking it behind his ear, a gesture that showed he was tired. Tired of being around you, or just exhausted, you weren't sure, but you hoped it was just exhaustion.

"What's stupid?" He asked, staying in the same spot, his face bathed in shadows.

"I'm afraid of the dark," You mumbled the words together, embarrassed.

"You're what?" He questioned, taking a step closer, curious as always.

"I'm scared of the dark," You said, this time loud enough for him to hear and understand.

It took a moment for the words to sink in, and then you watched as a smile slowly overtook his face, before he threw his head back and started laughing.

He was laughing so hard that he had to lean forward, placing his hand on his knees, and you sat there quietly waiting for him to finish.

A minute passed, and then he was finally able to calm down, wiping a tear from his eye, a tear of laughter that came at your expense.

"It's not funny," You frowned, wishing your arms were free so you could cross them in annoyance.

Sam stopped his laughing, once he realized you were serious. "No, really? A Demon that's afraid of the dark? I thought I had heard of everything."

"Well, I'm not like most Demons," You replied, and Sam came closer, into the trap with you. Crouching on his haunches, he was eye level with you. His hazel eyes shining through the shadows, eyes that were serious, and contemplating.

The two of you stayed that way, Sam seeming to see you for the first time as a Demon, and you unable to move. Even if your hands and feet had been free, you would have stayed, wanting to prove that you weren't evil, just in the wrong life.

"Hmm." Was all he said as he stood up, and once again headed towards the door. With his hand on the handle, he glanced back at you, his expression unreadable in the shadows, before he let go, moving out to the hallway. You watched until you could no longer see him before you noticed you weren't shrouded in darkness, Sam had been kind enough to leave the door open, maybe trusting you enough that he knew you wouldn't try to escape.

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