Chapter 21 : Seven Minutes in Heaven

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As we walked into the big hotel , I kept looking around for Ezra , I still had no idea what I would say to him , " Whoa , now this is big time" said Rhyme , "We're like tiny fish in a really big pond" said Kayla , " Is anyone else uniform getting tight around the midsection?" asked Frankie , "I am" I said ," Girls , and Frankie get it together" said Birdie " You can't let them smell fear", I looked around the lobby and caught sight of a guy , standing at the end of the lobby looking at his hone , he looked up for a second and I saw his deep blue eyes , My heart sank , I had found Ezra , I pulled out my phone and texted;
I looked back at the boy and he looked up and around, " Um Rhyme , I'll be back I gotta go to the bathroom" I said to Rhyme she nodded okay and when on with the group , I walked up to him and stood right near him , he had replied

Yeah , I can see you too , why aren't you talking to me , you're right next to me

I'm Nervous

Hey how about I talk first so that you're not so nervous

I sent his a thumbs up emoji , I then heard a voice that my heart melt into a little puddle , " Hey Emma" I looked up and saw that the boy was talking to e, no it wasn't a boy , it was Ezra , I smiled at him not knowing what to say " Hey Ezra" I noticed that he had a accent. We both stood there not saying anything , I guess we were both shocked to see each other. "So , um I'm gonna be here in this hotel , I could give you my hotel room number so that we could talk" I said , he smiled" That would be great" , in my head I was screaming at how cute and attractive he was. " So about what you said at the Party or well texted" he said , " About me saying that I like you" I finished his sentence , he nodded " yeah". " I do like you a lot , but as I said I'm not ready for a relationship right now" my heart was breaking as I told him , " I'll always wait for you" he said ah he leaned in and kissed my forehead , all I could do is blush , I told him my room umber and I then heard T.K calling me , " I gotta go Ezra , but you know my room number" I told as I found were T.k was , we were walking to the team until we couldn't see them , they must have moved , T.k asked the nearest person " Hey , any of you guys seen the Attaway dance team?" he asked , The girl looked up " Do you mean the Chicken Girls? , I've heard a lot about them" she said , " Yeah , red hoodie , singing , dancing , talk about boys , ring a bell?" I nudged T.k playfully , "Sorry we haven't seen them" said the girl , " Uh yeah , we're just here to check out the competition" said the boy , T.k looked around , " Do you need me to do a conjuring spell?" asked the girl , "a what?" he asked , as Rooney called T.k over.

" There they are , see you around" T.k said , " Kate" she said " Here uh this should give you good luck" she handed him a white stone , " Cool thanks" he said , "Don't mind him he's got a lot on his mind" I told him , she smiled " I could tell" , I held out my hand " Emma" she shook my hand " Kate , and this is my brother Sam" He shook my hand also " nice to meet you" he said , I smiled , I took out a piece of paper and wrote down my phone number and give it to both of them , " If you ever wanna hang out or need someone to talk to , I'm here" I said , She smiled " Thanks" , " Emma" called Rooney , " I'll see you guys around" I said hurrying over to them.

I was busy ironing my jacket , when I heard a knock on my door , I turned and saw that it was Rooney , " Hey" she said , I smiled " Hey" , " is it okay , If I take pictures of you ironing your clothes , for like behind the scenes" she said , I nodded " Yeah sure" , She took a few pictures just as she was about to leave I said " I know that you're dating Robbie , and I was kinda hanging out with him and I don't want that to ruin anything with us , cause I know were not the closets of friends but I look up to you like you're my big sister" I rambled " Hey Em , it's okay , I'm not dating Robbie , I have my mind on someone else". I smiled " Well they're lucky to have you" I told her, " He's not worth either of our time , I think you should find someone who makes you happy , like the guy I saw you talking to in the lobby and he kissed you forehead" she smiled , " You saw me with Ezra" I whispered ," Is that his name?" asked Rooney , I nodded " We've been talking a lot and I really like him , but I'm not ready for a relationship yet" I told her , she had out her hand on my shoulder " I'm sure he respects you're wishes even thought we two aren't dating". I smiled " Thanks Rooney" as she left she said " You're welcome , and you are like a little sister to me too and just tell him how you feel , if you aren't ready there's no need to rush things".

It was late at night and I was sharing a room with Rhyme , my stomach was really heavier and I couldn't sleep , I heard a knock at our door , I sat up and walked over to it , Rhyme was behind me , my heart lurched I through I would be Ezra , but it was Paul , I looked at him " what do you want?" I asked , "I came to get yo two , um everyone hanging out In Autumn's room, some Millwood people , some Power Surge people and some of your Chicken Girls" Me and Rhyme followed Paul to Autumn's room , " What about spin the bottle?" asked Luna , "spin the bottle? what are you guys like twelve?" asked Autumn , Kayla said " Kind of" , Luna turned to Autumn " Well what did you have in mind?" asked Luna ," ever heard of Seven Minutes In Heaven?" she asked , " We're down" said Luna , "good , so who's first" she pointed at Quinn " You" "Me?" she said , " Yeah , if the Chicken girls can't dance maybe they can kiss" she handed Quinn the bottle" she spun it and it landed on a guy from Millwood , " Seven minutes starts now, get going" , They both stood up and walked into the closet , when they came out I asked " Did you kiss him" , Quinn shook her head "No I was going to when he totally sneezed on my face" as if on cue he sneezed again " I have really bad allergies" he said , " and our second couple of the night is..' Autumns spun the bottle , and it landed towards the door and there walked in Hamilton , Rooney looked at him " Hamilton? what are you doing here?" , " T.k texted me , he said he needed a wing man, I mean assistant dancer manager for tomorrow, also Em there's a guy waiting out in the hall for you" , Ezra walked into the room and stood next to Hamilton, I stood up " Ezra?" " Hey Em can I talk to you for a second", Rooney whispered to me " You never told me he had a accent" , I walked over to him , I turned and saw that Rooney smiled.

I walked into the hallway and I sat against the wall and Ezra sat next to me , " Hey" I said , " Hey , I need to talk to you" he said , " What's wrong?", " t's something really important" he said , my heart was racing " What?" , " I think I want to kiss you" he said , he leaned in but I pulled away " I'm sorry Ezra" I told him , " No I'm sorry , that was rude of me to ask you such a question" he said leaning his head back. I kissed his cheek , He looked at me with a light blush on his cheeks " Well you be at state?" I asked , he nodded " Yeah" , I smiled , I laid my head on his shoulder " Thanks for waiting for me , but I think you have to wait a little bit longer" he kissed my forehead " I'll wait as long as you need me to wait".

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