08 part 1

510 31 2


2 weeks later

They say you shed your entire outer layer of skin every two to four weeks. This means that any form of memory of touch from two to four weeks ago will be forgotten. Hence, I have forgotten what it felt like when Jimin placed his lips on my cheek so delicately before leaving my dorm.

I haven't seen him since either. My schedule's been pretty busy, as is his I assume. He still messages me every now and then, managing to brighten up my day even when he's not around me. I've developed my ideas for the men's garments too, and I'm ready to start sewing a mockup. Just as I start remembering my whole ordeal with Jimin two weeks ago Professor Liu steps in and the hall dims to silence.

"Alright students, welcome to Marketing. There will be a group assignment for this subject, so please pay attention until the end of the lesson as I announce the details of your assignment," he starts off. An assignment so fast? This is only our first lesson...

The past two hours went by agonisingly slow. This is by far the worst subject I have to take this semester. "...As for your group assignment, you will work in pairs to create a mockup brand and sell your item to the class in a presentation on week 16. Your pairings have been put up at the noticeboard outside so do get to know your partners and start brainstorming early. Class dismissed."

I pack my things and look down the list. Kim Heeyoung and Park Ilsong. Dammit, she's practically my only friend. I look long and hard but I can't find my name for some reason.

"Ki... Hyojin?" I hear a voice call my name hesitantly, as if unsure. I spin around and greet an unfamiliar face. He had long hair for a guy, bangs reaching past his eyes. He's wearing a long beige shirt with a colourful striped vest in front. He's got 3 piercings on each ear, the front ones are dangling chains. He has a good sense of fashion(which I catch myself staring at), but then again who doesn't in this school?

"Uh, yes?" I respond matching the same uncertainty he had in his voice.

"Ah, I'm your partner, Woo Iseul," he smirks at me, pointing out our names side by side on the list. Huh, I must have missed it out just now. I smile apologetically and introduce myself properly this time.

"Woo Iseul, that's an interesting name," I shyly add, tucking the loose strands of my hair behind my ear. It's true, I've never met anyone with that name before. My eyes may have played tricks on me but I'm pretty sure his eyes darted up and down my figure before looking me in my face.

"As is yours, Ki Hyojin." What a flirt. Somehow I don't like how my name sounds coming from him.

He tells me to hand him my number and I do. "I'll call you sometime," he whispers in my ear before walking off, flipping his hair in the process. I cringe at the sight of girls ogling while he stares at them as he walks by.

Guys who acknowledge their good-looking traits tend to act like it's so amazing, it's such a turnoff honestly. At least Jimin doesn't act this way. Wait...

Just then Heeyoung locates me among the crowd and pulls me to the cafe for lunch, breaking my train of thought.

"Oh my goffh," she tries to speak, mouth full of sandwich. "Did I totally see that Ish-eul guy flirfing wifh you?" She wiggles her eyebrows teasing me.

Sigh. "He does that with everyone. I'm not into egotistical man-bimbos," I tell her emotionlessly and pick up my pasta.

"Ah. It's Mr 2am isn't it?"

My eyes widened and I choke on my linguine as it makes a rough journey down my throat.

"What?" I cough out.

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