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A/N: this vlive was everything i fell hard for them here>:((( the fact that they played dramatic avengers soundtracks at the start and then when they started to cook played tido kang cute music i malfunctioned so hard help

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A/N: this vlive was everything i fell hard for them here>:((( the fact that they played dramatic avengers soundtracks at the start and then when they started to cook played tido kang cute music i malfunctioned so hard help


"Hyerin? You... y-you're—"

"Yes, Hyojin. This is my boyfriend, Park Minjun," she smiles sinisterly.

I roll my eyes. Truly, they are a match made in hell. "Seriously? How desperate can you be..."

Meanwhile, the Park brothers are having a staredown. "Minjun, I don't know what you're planning but stay the hell away from the both of us or you'll regret it," Jimin growls menacingly.

"Jimin I think it's time you treat me with some respect. What happened to calling me hyung? And what makes you think I'll listen to you? It's all just empty threats, sweet Jiminie. I know you," Minjun retaliates.

He steps forward suddenly making me instinctively back away from him. He smiles appreciatively at my behaviour, not that he appreciated the gesture but at the fact that I can't seem to hide my fear of him."I'm gonna get going first, babe. See you after work?"

Hyerin smiles seductively, running her hand down the side of his arm. "Of course, see you soon babe."

Minjun takes one last glance at Jimin, before stepping out of his office and leaving the building. Hyerin turns to Jimin, looking at him expectantly. "Your father told me you were going to show me what I have to do?" She speaks with an underlying tone. "Na Hyerin..." I spit, warning her slowly.

She side-eyes me, throwing me a bored expression. "It's Ms Na to you here, Ms Ki."

Jimin sighs, yielding to fate. Quietly, he tells me to go outside so he can brief Hyerin on her job as his secretary. At first, I don't move my feet. I don't want to. I trust Jimin with all my life, but it's her I don't trust. "If you try anything, I will make your life a living hell." I don't wait for her response and make my way out.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be worse than what you've already done," I hear her call behind me.


As soon as I'm back at my desk I sit down with a thud, staring at nothing in particular. What have I ever done to her? I try to think back literally at my whole life, but I've never met her before university. Every memory I have of her is her picking on me, so what could I possibly have done to her?

My train of thought leaves as soon as an employee puts down a thick file at the side of my desk. "This is the file that contains everything that needs to be looked into at the Cyber Club site, Ms Ki," she informs me. I nod at her, waving her off and getting ready to start my work.

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