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A/N: i was planning on writing an epilogue but i wasn't sure, and i actually had an alternate ending in mind so ill just place it here:) enjoy!

heavenly; cigarettes after sex


"Where are we, Park Jimin... I don't think the sun likes us very much," I say, feeling the intense burn of sunlight on the exposed parts of my skin.

He laughs at my pouty face but still keeps the blindfold on. "Just a little further, Ki Hyojin..."

After walking a good two minutes, he grabs hold of my shoulders to stop me from moving. "Hold out your hand," he tells me.

I do as I'm told, feeling something soft and delicate placed in my palms. "Good girl," I almost hear his smile.

He removes the blindfold from me, making me squint at the bright light surrounding me. As my eyes adjust, I see a great amount of grey and greenery, realising where he has taken me to. In my hand is a red carnation, and the sight in front of me makes me feel warm inside.

"I wanted you to meet my mom," his mochi smile appears on his angelic face. "Hi mom, I brought someone very special with me today."

I crouch down and feel a bit of pain around my stab wound, but endure it anyway. "Hi Mrs Park, I'm Hyojin Jimin's soulmate. It's nice to meet you," I giggle.

He takes my hand and places the carnation on the gravestone. "I promise to take care of Jimin, don't worry. Thank you for making him the amazing person he is today."

He wipes his tears, before helping me stand up. He kisses my forehead and hugs me tenderly. "Thank you. For everything, Ki Hyojin. I've never brought anyone else here with me before," he whispers softly.

I flip on the inside, feeling like I was someone. "You know, I'm surprised she's so close to my dad."

He pulls away in confusion. "Hm?"

"My dad. He was buried over there," I say, pointing a few feet further from his mother's grave. His eyes sparkle, holding the secrets to the universe in them.

"That makes today so much more perfect than I thought it would be," he giggles, a hint of nervousness filling his aura.

"We'll be back soon, Mrs Park," I whisper, taking Jimin's hand to see him.

With the extra carnation Jimin has he lays it down respectfully at his grave. "Hi dad, thank you for visiting me the other day. I really missed you," I begin shakily, remembering my dream of him.

Jimin doesn't say a word, this piece of information new to him too. "This is Jimin, my soulmate. I believe you know him," I chuckle.

He bows respectfully. "Hi sir, your daughter is in good hands with me. Please don't worry, I promise to take care of her for the rest of my life."

I giggle, his statement sounding funny. 

That is, until I turn around and see him on one knee.

"J-Jimin—" I gasp, tears slipping down my face.

"I wanted to do this in front of my mom, but seeing as how both our parents are here makes it even better. Ki Hyojin, I've loved you since the day I met you. I've never met another being as remotely perfectly imperfect as you, and I never knew true happiness before I met you. You are the light to my life, the person who helped me see past the storms in life, and I want to be the same for you till the day I die. I could not have gotten a more perfect soul to be matched with mine, and I know I never want to let go of this. So Hyojin, my soulmate and best friend, will you be mine forever and marry me?"

I don't waste time and jump him, his arms coming up to take me in readily. I push my forehead against his, kissing him with a million sparks. My heart pounds profusely, our closeness letting me know his beats the same. He smiles into the kiss, engulfing me whole.

"Yes, Park Jimin. I will marry you."

He very unsubtly breathes out a sigh of relief, his nose red from crying tears of joy. He wipes his eyes on his sleeves, smiling to himself as he slips the ring onto my finger. "God, I was so shaky the whole time."

I boop his nose and stare into his beautiful eyes, my new fiancé, future husband.

I won't ever get used to calling him that. "What did I do to deserve a man like you loving me, Park Jimin..." I think to myself.

A thought crosses my mind and I turn around, looking at the two graves. He joins me by my side, holding my hand and twirling the ring on my finger, the cold metal of his grazing my knuckle as well.

"Jimin," I call him, looking out.


"What if your mom and my dad helped us meet that night?"

He looks at the graves longingly. 

"You know what? I think you may be right."

Officially the end.

i couldn't leave the book as that, so here's a little extra for yall:) hope tomorrow again was a good read for you and i'll see you guys again soon!

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