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A/N: Hi everyone! The previous chapter was significantly longer than the rest of the chapters because it was extremely crucial but it's also not entirely over yet! Hope you guys liked it and will enjoy this chapter too:3


Monday, 5pm

I've been getting a strange feeling the whole day. Small things like Namjoon talking about some student that flashed his professor during lecture, I feel like I've heard it before even though it's impossible.

"How're things with Hyojin, Jiminie?" Namjoon asks as he gets a drink from the fridge.

I sit up lazily from the couch, smiling at the mention of her name.

"Great. She's so different from everyone it's insane how I got to meet her."

Namjoon grins at my statement. "I like her. She's definitely a refresher from Chaeyoung. I'm glad you found someone that can make you happy. You deserve it, Jimin. Plus, she's changed you."

Changed me? 


He cocks his head at my question. "You're smiling more often. Genuinely, this time too. And you've been less self-motivated. You help us out more now. You used to dwell in your own problems."

I didn't even notice. I really do learn a lot from her.

"That's just her effect on people." I tell him, heart full of pride. I can't believe she's mine.

Thinking about her made me realise she hasn't texted me all day. That's strange. Usually she'll let me know when her class starts or if she's eaten, but not a single word from her. I consider calling her, but give up on the idea in case she's in a lecture.


Eerie. I can't get this feeling off my chest. It's been weighing me down the whole day it's alarming. I don't know the source of it, but something tells me something extremely bad is going to happen soon. Just as the thought crosses my mind my head begins to spin. It hurts so fucking bad, almost like someone's crushing my head in. I squeeze my eyes shut and cry out, tears forcing themselves out the small slits of my eyes.

"Shit! Jimin-ah, are you okay?" Yoongi rushes in helping me off the floor.

"M-my head..." I breathe out, words struggling to form. 

Hyojin. Baseball bat. Iseul. Gyeongju Library.


However just as how suddenly it came, wave of immense pain passes and I can breathe again. I close my eyes, trying to recover from whatever insane headache that was.

What were those images? I'm getting really worried now. For them to appear in my mind on a day I feel nothing but weariness should not be taken as a coincidence.

"I'm... fine, hyung... Need to breathe." I address Yoongi hyung, almost forgetting he was in the room with me.

I let my hands fall from my head and clutch my heart. It's beating fast, too fast.


I quickly take my phone out and text her.


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