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Everyone left the room and now I'm here alone, not even looking at my friend in the bed. I was looking at my hands that were turning red cause I was clenching them too tightly. 'Talk about something Yoongi'. I took a deep breath, but I kept my head down. "Hey, Jae?". I took another deep breath. "Remember the high school test we bailed on?".

"We were not runners at all but boy, did we run for our lives". I chuckled. "And don't act like I forgot". I said. "You jumped over the fence and your uniform got caught and you didn't want my help". I snickered. "And where did that leave you? Running out the school with your boxers ripped". I laughed. "I almost got caught because how much I was laughing". I said.

"What I don't understand is why you stopped talking to me for two months, like, I tried to help you but you refused". I said. "Like what the hell did I do to you?". I went on about our embarrassing high school days, trying to make myself feel better but it wasn't working. "Ha". I rubbed my head. "I hate you". I covered my face. "I fucking hate you". I muffled.

I wasn't talking about Jaebum, I was talking about myself. "I did this". I told him. "This is the karma I was supposed to get for hitting on your fiancee, for calling myself a friend". I smiled weakly. "This should be me looking like this". I said. "But karma had different plans, karma really is a bitch". I sighed. "But please wake up, Jimin is in a lot of pain". I said.

"He's broken man". I told him. "You took his soul away from him, that's how empty he is". I explained. "Your fiancee needs you right now Jaebum, you don't have to worry about a trash ass friend like me but you HAVE to do this for him... Please". I don't care about my tears cause I cried in front of Jaebum before, I just to be stronger this time.

"Please wake up for Jimin, I'm begging... I'm fucking begging you Jae". I held my head down again and held my hands together. I should have been strong enough to look at him cause I missed it...

I missed his hand twitch.

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