The news

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*Disclaimer I don't own any of the characters, the characters and recognized places are owned by J.K Rowling.

This is taking place the summer before there fifth year.

Sorry this chapter is short but I'm just setting up the plot.

I was devastated my parents were dead and it was all the Order's fault.

3 hours earlier
I was sitting on my bed at 12 Grimmauld place when Kingsley walked in.

"Hermione I'm afraid I have some horrible news." My heart plummeted into my stomach.

"Hermione I'm sorry to tell you but your parents are dead". My heart stopped I thought I vaguely heard Kingsley saying my name but I couldn't understand it.

My parents were dead. No this had to be a cruel joke they couldn't be dead.... they couldn't.

"Hermione" "Hermione" "Hermione!" I finally looked up at Kingsley "Hermione I'm sorry but there was nothing we could have done they were Imperiused we had to."

Wait there was no way I just heard that. Was he saying it was the Order that killed them?

"Kingsley are you saying that it was the Order who killed my parents!?" "Hermione they were Imperioused we had to.""GET OUT" I screamed.

"Hermione plea-"

"I SAID GET OUT" I screamed again. This time he left closing the door behind him and that is when I finally let myself break down.

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