New recruits

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*disclaimer in first chapter

I had barely gotten ready in time. I ran out into the hall at exactly 6:27. Everyone else had already left so I headed down quickly.

When I got down there I once again noticed the dark lord occupying the front of the table.

I quickly bowed and went to sit down at my seat. I was in between Draco and Fred.

"So Weasleys why should we give you a place in my ranks" the dark lord asked the twins. "The order is cruel and they kill the families of their own for no reason" George answered.

"Also they have disrespected us and gave us no missions because they thought we were useless to them" Fred added. That I did not know. "Fair enough " the dark lord said "you get your marks next week".

The twins smiled and shook the dark lords hand. However I pouted.

Lucius and Draco must have seen me because they both got a smirk on there faces. Looking like they were trying not to laugh.

"Is something wrong Miss Zabini" the dark lord asked looking amused.

The twins got a look of puzzlement and I remembered I had to tell them what happened.

"I want the mark" I whined. "No, you could compromise your mission" the dark lord told me. I pouted and crossed my arms.

"What mission" Fred asked. Surprisingly the dark lord answered "she is to remain friends with your younger brother and potter to gain information" he told them.

They nodded and went back to eating. After a while the dark lord got up from the table and left the room. Not long after Lucius and Narcissa followed.

It was down to the 5 of us. "So Hermione, why did he call you Miss Zabini" Fred asked. I then told them what had happened in the last few days.

After that we all sat there talking before we went upstairs. I went into my room when i got an owl.

Dear Miss Zabini
As you see I know who you are and where you are at. I saw you in Knockturn alley with the twin Weasleys. Watch out for me. We wouldn't want this getting out would we.

I dropped the letter. Who had saw me. Then I realized something. I was in a house full of people who kill for a living.

I left the room with the letter and headed towards Lucius's study. I knocked on the door when i arrived. "Enter" I was surprised to hear the dark lord's voice.

I went in and bowed. "Rise" he told me "why are you here". "I just got this letter sent to me" I told him giving him the letter.

He read through the letter. Getting angrier the farther he got. "Don't worry" he said "I know spells to figure out who sent it" he then told me to go back to my room and he would find out who sent it.

I thanked him and went up to my room. I face planted on to my bed and groaned. I realized I needed to put on pajamas.

I did that quickly and laid down on my bed. As I fell asleep I had one last thought in my head. There never was a dull day was there.

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