New Years Eve

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I smiled as I sat with my brothers in my room. It was new years eve and the three of us were spending some quality time together. Plus I was exiled to my room since there are some deatheaters over.

I was laying on my bed while Blaise was hanging upside down on my chair and Theo was sprawled across the floor. We were all going stir crazy from being in the house for so long.

Tonks and Ginny had gone back to spying on the order. Fred and George were working. Draco was with his parents and the other deatheaters. Which included Bellatrix, Rudolphus, and my dad.

Blaise and Theo chose to stay up here with me. I think the main reason was because the last time there were deatheaters over Fenir Greyback saw me and he had to have his memory wiped.

I jolted out of my thought when I heard Theo ask me a question. "Is it true that you through a biscuit at Draco's head" he asked with a smirk. I laughed at them memory and nodded. He chuckled and the three of us just sat there telling stories for awhile.

We had all gathered in the living room for new years eve. I cursed the room for not having enough seats. I was stuck on the floor again.

"We should have a girls day out some time" Narcissa blurts out. "Sure" Bellatrix says. "Sounds fun" I agree. She nods and turns back.

"Get up Hermione" Draco suddenly yells. I jump "what, why" I ask confused. "We're going on a date" he says. "Just go get ready" he says when he sees my confused expression.

I am grabbed by both arm and hauled up by Bella and Narcissa. "We will help you get ready" Narcissa says before dragging me off.

I am shoved into the bathroom to take a shower. After I am finished and back into my room. Narcissa has already conjured make-up and hair stuff.

They sit me on my chair and start to do my hair. When they are done its flowing down my back with an emerald green clip in the front. It shines in the light and has a braid down the side.

Then they start on my make-up. In a few minutes they let me look in the mirror. I had silver eyeshadow with black eyeliner and mascara. I had a light blush on my cheeks to add some color. Finally I had bright ruby red lipstick across my lips with a slight gloss on top.

I stared in aw at the mirror. I looked beautiful.

Finally the two of them stood over by my dress closet. They pulled out short silver dress that wasn't overly fancy. I ran into the bathroom and put on the dress.

When I stepped out they started to clap.  "Beautiful" Bella cheered. I blushed and sat on my bed to put on my shoes.

I heard a knock on the door and Blaise and Theo walked in. "She's not aloud to leave the house like that" Blaise yells. Theo whacks him in the back of the head. "He meant to say you look very nice" Theo says.

"No I didn't" Blaise says. Theo whacks him in the head again and they start to argue. "Both of you stop it" Narcissa yells. They immediately straighten up.

"Now Hermione you have to go meet your date" Bella exclaims. I laugh before I step out of the room.

I slowly walk down the stairs to meet Draco.

What do you think? Also I have decided to do like a q&a so if you have any questions leave them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer. Thank you all for reading:-)

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