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I wake up naturally. Birds are chirping and Draco is still fast beside me. I lay back down and sit there content.

Now that's how I wished I had woken up but it was not.

"MY INNOCENT EYES" I heard a voice scream. I bolted up and Draco fell off of the bed and landed with a thump.

"BLAISE" we both scream. He waves at us sheepishly before running out of the room.

"You have my permission to kill him now, and I'll help" Draco says quietly. We both get up and bolt after Blaise. "MURDER IS ILLEGAL" I hear Blaise yell from down the stairs.

"DO YOU THINK I CARE" I yell after him. We stampede down the stairs. We run down the halls. When we turn down a hall we lose track of Blaise.

Then we hear them. The warning bells. We're under attack.

"Whats going on" I yell. "I don't know, come on" he yells back. We turn around and run to the hall. I hear Blaise behind us.

"Whats happening" I ask Narcissa. "Ministry raid" she answers. "WHAT" I yell. "You, Lucius, Bella, Rudolphus, Fred, George, and Tonks need to go and hide in the safe room".

We all run to the safe room and unlock the door. We go in and down the secret staircase into the cellar. "Why are they here" I ask.

"To find any dark magic" Lucius answers. "Will they" I ask suspiciously. He looks at me "you have so little faith in me" he exclaims. I roll my eyes. "How long do we have to stay down here" Fred whines.

"Until they leave" Bella answers. "Thanks that's so much help" Fred says sarcastically. "Thanks I try" Bella answers equally as sarcastic.

Eventually we're all sitting on the uncomfortable concrete floor. Tonks was sitting on Fred's lap and Bella on Rudolphus's lap. I found that unfair. I wanted a cushion.

"Come her Hermione" George said. "What" I ask confused. He rolls his eyes. "I know you want a cushion" he replies. I smile and walk over, sitting on his lap.

"Thank you bro" I say. "Anytime sissy" he says. "You sound like Blaise" I point out. He gasps "I do not" he argues.

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do n-"

"STOP ARGUING" Fred yells. I sigh and sit back against George. I wonder how long have we been down here. I was getting hungry.

I start to feel sleepy. I snuggle into the warmth and fall asleep.

"There gone" I hear a voice say. I wake up and see Draco standing there. He looks angry. I wonder why. I yawn and stand up. I help George up and we start to head up.

I go up to stairs and stretch my legs. "Hey Draco" I say. He grunts in response. "Want to train with me later" I ask. Another grunt. Now he's starting to make me mad.

"What's your problem" I snap. By now where in the safe room and Lucius is unlocking the door. "I don't know why don't you ask your boyfriend" he snaps back.

"I just did" I say confused. "Your other boyfriend. You know the one whose lap you where sitting on" he sneers. Everyone's gone by now.

"You think George is my boyfriend" I yell. "You obviously do" he yells back. "I can't believe you could think that" I yell. "Well you two made it pretty clear how you felt" he screams.

"How can you say that he's like my older brother" I scream back. "Then how come I don't believe that" he screams. "So you don't trust me" I yell. He looks down. "We're over" I whisper before turning around and storming out of the room.

Hey guys i updated on time this week. Yaaaa. You guys probably aren't like that right now. Sorry not sorry it had to be done. But yes George and Hermione act like brother and sister. Love you guys :-)

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