Meeting Bellatrix

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*disclaimer in first chapter
^^^Hermiones dinner dress

When we went in I sent a house elf to bring my stuff to my room. "All of you will meet Bella at dinner" Narcissa told us.

"Go unpack" Lucius added.

I was about to head upstairs when I realized we were missing 2. "Where's Fred and George" I asked.

"Their doing something for the dark lord" Lucius said over his shoulder on his way out of the room. I went upstairs and into my room.

I was so excited to meet Bellatrix. She had been my role model since I got here. I put away my stuff and went to take a shower.

When I got out I got dressed in a black floor length dress. I put my hair in a pony tail and looked at my clock. It was 5:58. I has 2 minutes to get down to the dining room.

I tore out of my room and down the stairs. I ran in just in time. I sat down quickly and saw Bellatrix wasn't there yet.

Right after I thought that she walked in. "You must be Hermione" she said looking at me.

I nodded "its a pleasure to meet you" I told her.

She smirked and sat down with her husband. The rest of the meal was silent. After I was done I decided to ask if maybe Bellatrix could teach me some new dark spells.

"Do you think you could teach me some things while I'm here" I asked her.

"You start tomorrow in the training room, 10 am" and with that walked out.

I smiled and left the room after her. I went to the library and sat down. I grabbed the closest book to me and started to read. It was around midnight when I finally left the library and headed to my room.

I opened the door and jumped. Draco was sitting in my chair reading. He looked up at me "took you long enough" he told me with a smirk.

I smiled I hadn't had any alone time with him since before we left. He stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me.

I ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him with all my might. When there was footsteps in the hall accompanied by the occasional groan.

Draco let me go and we went out into the hall. Fred and George where out there and they had bruises and cuts all over there bodys.

"What happens" I exclaimed.

"Order" they both said. I nodded and went over to help George, who was slumped against the wall. Draco went to help Fred and we took them back to my room.

They sat down on my bed and the both of us starting doing healing spells to help. When we were done I was exhausted and so were the boys.

Fred and George shakily got on there feet and went to there rooms.

"Night Mione" Draco said and headed towards his room. I changed into my pajamas and laid down in bed. The last thing I thought before I drifted off was when do I get a break?

Hope you guys liked it. Remember anything you want to know just comment and ill answer. Thanks for reading.😀

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