You did What...

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Harry P.O.V
"I can't believe Hermione is still mad about the order killing her parents" Ron exclaimed. "I know they were just a weekness" I agree. "It's not like she knows that they weren't actually imperioused" he says.


Ron rolls his eyes "calm down Ginny it's nothing" he says. I nod in agreement. "I can't believe it" she mumbles "am I the only one who doesn't know" she asks.

Ron nods "other than Hermione" he says. "I'm going on a walk" she snaps and walks out the door.

"She'll get over it" Ron says. I agree and we go back to are game of wizarding chess.

Hermione P.O.V
I locked myself in my room and I hadn't come out for 2 days. "Hermione you need to come out" Tonks said for the millionth time. I ignored her. I had a put a charm on my door so it couldn't be unlocked with magic.

Out of no where my door bursts open. Standing in the doorway is Narcissa. "How did you get in" I ask emotionlessly. "Key" she says.

I nod and lay back down on my bed. "You look horrible twinsy" Blaise said walking in. "That's what every girl wants to hear" I say sarcastically. He comes and sits next to me.

He holds my hand. I notice his knuckles are cut and bruised. "What happened to your hand" I exclaim. "Smashed it in a door" he says. I roll my eyes "always the graceful one" I smirk.

He takes that as a que to stand up and act like a ballerina. I laugh for the first time in 2 days. "Come on Hermione come and eat with us" I sigh but get up.

"Fine" I whisper. He smirks before grabbing me and throwing me over his shoulder. "Follow the yellow brick road" he sings while going down the hall.

I laugh "Blaise put me down" I yell. "But this is fun" he whines. "Not for me" I point out. He drops me on the floor and skips off. "BLAISE THAT HURT" I yell. He turns around and sticks his tongue out at me.

I stand up and follow him to the dining room. Lucius and Narcissa are the only ones in there. "Everyones on a mission and Draco is in his room" Lucius says when we walk in.

I tense at his name and Narcissa hits him in the shoulder. "What" he yelps. "Idiot" she mumbles. I chuckle and sit down to eat. When he walks in. He looks tired and his face is all bruised up.

"What the heck happened to yo- BLAISE" I yell connecting the dots. He laughs nervously "uh.. You see... THEY HELPED" he yells pointing at the twins who just walked into the kitchen.

Each of them also sporting hurt knuckles. "All three of you my room now"I say. They don't move. "NOW" I yell. They sprint out of the room and to mine.

"Nice eating with you" I say to Lucius and Narcissa before walking out.

I walk into my room and see the three of them cowering on my bed. "Fred and George I have told you before not to beat up my exes" I yell. They nod quickly "and Blaise thats your best friend" I add. "But he hurt my little sis" they all say at once.

"I'm fine" I lie. "Sure and I'm bald" Fred says sarcastically. "Seriously I'm fine" I insist.

"Is there a reason my brothers are in trouble" I here a voice say behind me. "Ginny" Fred and George gasp. She nods tears in her eyes.

They jump up and grab her into a hug. "Hermione join" I hear Ginny say. I run over and hug the three of them. "What are you doing here"I gasp. "Lets not talk about that now" she says.

"Wait a second, Hermione what are you doing here" Ginny gasps. I laugh "took you long enough" I say. "Whatever tell me" she says impatiently. "Well it all started when..."

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