Summer break

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I had been quiet ever since the battle. Everybody thought it was because of Sirius. It was actually because of Lucius but let them think it's Sirius.

I was currently on the train to go back to Malfoy Manor. We pulled up to the station and I grabbed my trunk and bolted off the train. I walked over to where I was meeting Narcissa. She was standing there but she looked horrible.

Her eyes swollen and blood shot with dark circles. Her hair was stringy and greasy. And her clothes just hung off her figure.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She hugged me back and we waited for Draco and Blaise.

After a few minutes they walked over. Draco looked as bad as his mother and Blaise was almost as bad. I knew that Blaise saw Lucius as a father.

I probably looked no better but I refused to look in the mirror to find out. "How are we all supposed to apparate" Blaise asked. I hadn't thought about that. Narcissa broke down sobbing and Draco ran to hug her.

Suddenly Fred apparated next us. He looked better than the rest of us. "I thought you could use some help" he said.

Narcissa nods and takes Blaise and Draco. They apparate away and its just me and Fred. He takes one look at me and pulls me into a hug. I sob into his chest.

"It's going to be ok" he whispers into my ear. I nod and dry my tears. He grabs my hand and we apparate away.

When we land I see the other three already heading up the walk way. We follow them up to the manor.

We all walk in and I head immediately to my room before anyone can stop me. I go in locking the door behind me.

I look around happy to be back. I sit in my chair and take a book off of my shelves. I read to forget.
After a few hours a house elf pops in and tells me its time for dinner. I wave him off and go to stand up. But then I realize I'll have to eat with everyone else. Nobody will talk and it will be depressing.

So I sat down picked up the book and continued to read. I read and read until I fell asleep in my chair.
I woke up late in the morning. There was a plate of breakfast on the table. I quickly ate it but didn't leave my room.

After a few minutes there was a knock at my door. I walked over to it but stopped when I passed my mirror.

My eyes were bloodshot and i had bags under them. I was thinner and my clothes hung off my body.

I guess I did look like the others.

I walked over to the door and opened it to see Bella. "Come on" she said before walking down the hall. I decided to follow her. We ended up at the training room.

"Take out your anger" she said before standing back. I aimed at the dummy and took fire. I started jumping up and down when I got Avada kedevra right finally.

"Come on, I have a surprise" she said. I followed quickly after her. We stopped at a painting. She said the password and it opened up to stairs. We went down and I saw it was a dungeon.

I smirked for the first time since the battle. We walked down the halls until we found a cell. She gestured to the door and looked in.

I smiled in glee. Inside of the cell laying on the floor was the one and only, Pansy Parkinson.

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