The "Friends"

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*disclaimer in first chapter. *

I know its short it will start getting longer in future chapters.

After I don't know how long of just lying there on my bed in the fetal position sobbing my eyes out, Ron and Harry walked in.
     "We're sorry Mione but it just had to be done ." said Ron.

"Ya know it's for the greater good."said Harry.

     "For the greater good? The death of my parents is for the greater good?!"

"Mione just understa-" tried Harry.

"GET OUT!!" I screamed.

"Mion-" this time it was Ron.
      "DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME I SAID GET OUT!"I screamed again. This time they listened and left my room.

      By now I was done with my "friends" and the Order both had betrayed me. My parents were dead, killed by the so called "good" guys and they saw nothing wrong with any of it.

      I started packing my trunk with everything I owned I didn't know where I was going to go but all I knew was anywhere was better than here.

     I did one last check around my room. Grabbed my wand in one hand and my trunk in the other and apparated to Diagon Alley.

I landed in the middle of Diagon Alley. I quickly shrunk my trunk and put it in my pocket and continued down Diagon Alley and into Knockturn Alley. I knew I shouldn't be here but I frankly couldn't care less.

The Order had betrayed me and all I knew is that I wanted to do anything I could to get back at them for killing my parents.

I kept walking and came to a book shop that had what looked like shelves of books about dark magic. So naturally my love of books and curiosity led me to enter the store.

I saw no sign of any people so I moved to the back of the store where there was a little chair, grabbed a book and started reading.

After a few hours I heard the door open. I looked up and in walked Lucius Malfoy. "What is the Order's pet mudblood doing in a place like this?" he sneered.

" I hate the Order. They are as evil as the death eaters like yourself Malfoy."I replied.

"Well mudblood maybe you would like to join us." He stroked his chin in thought and smirked slyly. I was about to decline with a definite no. But then I thought about it.

What would anger the Order more than me going to the other side? But it was the death eaters that possessed my parents.

"Malfoy my answer is..."

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