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We stormed into the house the man in there immediately started throwing curses at us. We blocked them and sent our own back.

We shot killing curse after killing curse. But somehow he avoided everyone of them. He pointed his wand at Draco. I screamed when I realized what spell he was using. It was the same one Dolhov had used on me.

It was to late. Draco got hit by the spell and fell to the floor, stomach bleeding. I sent the killing curse straight at the man. His knees buckled as he fell to the floor. Dead.

I rushed over to Draco. Narcissa and Lucius not far behind me. "Help him" I yell. Lucius grabs him and apparates away. Blaise, Ginny, and I grab on to somebody and apparate back to the manor.

I run into the manor. I see Lucius pacing in front of a door. "A doctors with him, no visitors" he says. I turn around storm to my room. I have to see him. What if he dies and I never get to say bye?

No, I can't think like that. He will make it. I open my door and sit on my bed. That's when the events of the day came rushing back. Draco's hurt, and I killed the man who hurt him.

Was it horrible that i felt no remorse. He hurt the person I loved. I didn't even think twice about it. I just yelled the curse on impulse. But I don't feel sorry for it, he deserved it.

I stood up and started pacing. He better be ok. He has to be okay. I don't know what I will do if he isn't.

I kept pacing even when I heard somebody walk into my room. "At least your not reading" Ginny said when she walked in. I threw my hands up. "Why does everybody say that" I yell.

"How are you doing" she says changing the subject. "I'm great, I'm so great it could be my middle name" I say quietly. "I don't believe you" she says. "Is this how he felt when I got hit with that curse" I ask.

Her eyes widen and she gasps. "It makes sense now" she mumbles. "What" I ask. "Those days when you were hurt and unconscious I saw him sneaking around the hospital wing a lot" she says.

I smile a little bit. "I know, he was there when I woke up" I say. "Awwww how romantic" she says.

Lucius walks into the room, pale. "He's going to be okay" he says. I stop pacing and run out of the room and down the hall. Singing "He's okay He's okay"

When I walk into his room he's laying on his bed. He's shirtless and i'm not going to lie and say I didn't appreciate the view. I sat next to him and held his hand. "You're such a jerk" I whisper.

"You get jealous easily, you never know the right things to say, and get hit by life threatening curses. You're a jerk but you're my jerk." tears are running down my face.

"You don't know what it's like. I saw the man wave his wand and immediately knew what was going to happen. But I was powerless to stop it. I killed him you know. Not Lucius not Bella. Me, I killed him. I did it because he hurt you. I realized right then how much I really love you" I say.

"I love you too" I hear a voice say. I jump "Draco" i whisper. I throw my arms around him. "Your ok" I say. "Yep" he replies. "How long have you been awake" I ask. He smirks "well since you started checking me out" he says nonchalantly.

"What" I yell "you've been up the whole time". He nods "Mione I'm tired I think I'm going to take a nap" he says with a yawn. "Of course" I say. I kiss him on the cheek before getting up to leave the room. I'm almost out when I hear him say something.

"Stay with me" he whispers. I smile before climbing in bed next to him and falling asleep.


I'm back guys. I'm so so sorry for not updating. As you know my internet is stupid. Its still not working. Im so so sorry for not updating like i promised. Please don't hate me. Thank you guys so much for reading:-)

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