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Lani POV
I woke up to a bright light in my face instead of making noise I heard someone on the phone , I peeked over and it was my mother but what she said shocked me " Mark I love my daughter and I can't keep putting her through this my baby is fighting for her life right now because of you , so if you want me then meet me at " the abandoned behind 7/11 gas station by yourself @8:30 pm " 

Um what's going on ? Where am I ? " Nurse she's woke now Danielle stated rolling her eyes at me "
Nurse ? Why am I at the hospital ? The nurse walked in " Hello , I Am Dr.Smith do you know where you are? Well obviously I'm at an hospital but for what ? You had an panic attack after your sister was brought in from being shot then you passed out . Everything started coming back to me , Nae got shot i quickly jumped up " where's my sister ?

" I need to see her & how long have I been asleep ? Ma'am I need you to calm down you've been sleep for 2 days and those past 2 days your sister has been in a coma & her chances of survival is very limited after I heard that I lost it I started crying hard and the heart monitor started to beep constantly " I need you to lay back down you're having another panic attack Ma'am " I didn't even listen to the doctor I was in shock , I couldn't believe my sister might die , this is all my fault why did she have to get shot and not me she's only 16 she's got a whole life ahead of her this can't be happening right now . The doctors finally got me to calm down and now I was watching tv

Kehlani : "Um  ? "
Danielle: " yeah Wasssup lani ?"
Kehlani : "why did you say daughter ? And not "daughters?"
Danielle: I sighed because I did don't question me
Kehlani : what's with the attitude geesh but okay coo
*** end of the conversation ***

Danielle sighed but she didn't say anything although I probably have to stay here I'm not , this is my little sister and I am going to make sure I put multiple bullet holes in his head if I don't kill nobody else I have to kill him guilt is eating me alive right now , I am suppose to protect her but yet I failed and I feel so broken now could I have let this happen out of all people why her ? The youngest of the bunch .

She was so excited to graduate and leave for college I kept thinking back to when she got shot " Lani please don't let me die help me "
The image just keep playing in my head as I felt hot tears steam my face I still didn't stop crying I kept letting the tears fall out , right now I can't even explain the guilt I am feeling why couldn't I protect her is all I keep asking myself how did I even let this happen , I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even feel my self drifting off to sleep .

Right now , I'm sitting in Nae's hospital room right beside her bed , the tears keep falling the bullet pierced her heart and she could have died but we got her here just in time , all these tubes connected to her body just make me think of my first time being shot , I guess that's karma for all the dirt I've done in my life , I pray she come out the coma but there is no telling when .
Danielle POV
Right now , Lani signing her discharge papers cause she insist of coming with us to " take Marky down" which makes it easy for me to kill him and her at once so me and Nae could move on for better and if my mother get in the way I have no problem with ending her life right now either . I don't need any distractions right now I have to play it cool so lani and my mother can take Marky man out witch would only lead me to kill them two and I can do it fast and get it over with .

****** LATER THAT NIGHT *****
It's now 8:10 pm and I can't shake this feeling , in less than 20 minutes is the meet up and I'm so ready to get rid of him and her . I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't even hear my mother calling me " Danielle do you heat me I said are you ready ? " I shook my head I didn't even respond no words came out . I looked at my phone and it was now 8:20 , ten minutes has passed that quick I guess time gets by when your nervous as hell .

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