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" Jamila why the hell you leave the club with some random nigga for one and for two you knew I was drunk as hell what sense of you to leave me there ? "
Keh'Lani scremaned through the phone as soon as the FaceTime called connected causing Jamila to roll her eyes considering the fact she also had to much to drink so her head was spinning on top of all the yelling she just wanted to hang up dead in Lani face but she didn't cause she had a lot of explaining to do .

" girl stop all that fucking screaming it's 10 o'clock in the damn morning what the fuck is wrong with you Lani "  Lani sighed loudly not caring or even acknowledging the attitude plastered all over Jamila face she was more worried but also angry at the fact she abandoned her at a club where anything could of happen considering the fact she was drunk as hell and clearly not in her right state of mind at that moment .

Girl I don't wanna hear all that get to talking , who did you leave the club with are you safe ? Are you at home ? Where are you ? Lani slightly yelled through the phone in a whisper so her father or brother wouldn't hear her cause if they did Mila would of got the talk of her life . No matter how grown they say they are the men in their life still find ways to treat them like kids which aggravated them cause Jas and Nae is the only teenagers they need to be worried about . Mila flipped the camera instantly causing lani face to heat up in anger .

She was indeed with her no good ex , the one who was a liar , cheater , manipulative and abusive as fuck. Lani seemed to be the only one who knew how he was because Mila was her bestfriend+cousin and she couldn't throw her under the bus like that but she wasn't gone sit around and keep letting it happen and it was bound to come out and when it did Mila knew he was a dead man walking which is why she was so afraid to speak on it to her family. It seem like every time she leave him he found a way to will her right back in and no matter how many times she claimed to be finished with him he always seemed to come back and mess up her train of thought . Lani never thought she could have someone more than her mother but she indeed hated June and every bone in her body ached whenever Mila would run back to him .

" Jamila are you fucking serious ? Why the hell is you with him , do you want me to pick you up ? " Before Jamila could respond June snatched the phone and hung up .
Jamila didn't plan on leaving with him but if she didn't June threatened to cause a scene inside her uncle club and she didn't want for that so she just left without telling Lani and as soon as they got in that parking lot she instantly regretted it when his hand came flying across her face " bitch you love playing with me till I kill you right ? " get the fuck in the car now with that slutty ass dress on" Mila stood there debating on if she should run back into the club or get into the car but the choice was made when he snatched her by the hair and dragged her in the car .

See Mila always fought back but he was much stronger and powerful and he always hit her in places that wasn't noticeable but something must have come across cause he slapped the fuck out of her face and she couldn't even do nothing but cry .
She had to put a stop to it before I got worse so she finally decided she wanted to tell De because her uncle and father are more dangerous and she couldn't seem to feel comfortable enough to tell them . De was always protective of ALL the girls in the family but Jas and Mila was his favorite then his sisters came along and he couldn't help but to become protective of them too .

"June are you fucking stupid , give me my damn phone and don't hang up on my cousin again " Mila phone kept ringing cause June to toss it across the room it bounced off the wall and Mila already knew it was cracked she hopped out of the bed and ran to her phone the screen was cracked but it was still usable . Quickly dialing Lani back so she could come get her cause she honestly had no energy in her body to fight with him and that's exactly where the morning was going .
" Hello , Lani please come get me from June house I don't wanna be here and I'll explain everything this dumb ass nigga just broke my damn phone screen " Mila yelled into the phone which caused June to hop out the bed making his way towards her he yanked her hair and snatched the phone making her let out a loud piercing scream as he punched her in the stomach with all his might . Lani was already on the way over there with De and Jue who was happen to heard the whole conversation and De was furious , the clenching of his jaw as he sat in the front seat quiet the whole time but it really set him off to hear that scream escape his cousin mouth .

They finally pulled up to June house which happen to be Jue cousin he didn't fuck with one bit , he was known to be abusive and manipulative and if De knew Mila was fucking with him he would of been put a stop to it before it even got started .
Lani banged on the door while Jue and De stood to the side knowing how scary June was he couldn't of opened the door if he knew they was there too the door flew open and June mugged Lani " Bitch you got five seconds to get off my property before I hurt you" Before Lani could respond De stepped out and behind him Jue stepped out " Nah homie , de chuckled she ain't going nowhere pussy " Move to the side and let my sister in this bitch before I blow yo fucking brains all over this hoe .

June quickly stepped to the side as Lani marched in his home and the other two . De sent a powerful punch to June face causing him to stumble back and try to hold his balance but not before Jue followed up sending another strike to his mouth causing him to fall over and they cautiously stomped him out blood was everywhere .

Meanwhile Lani was upstairs struggling to keep Mila breathing and conscious June definitely did a number on her this time . Almost as if he was trying to kill her holding Mila tightly lani dragged her down the stairs where De looked up and his eyes became dark like a colored Lani couldn't even explain it scared her and she never seen this side of her brother quickly sitting Mila down she grabbed Jue and De " guys please , I think he's still breathing but we have to get her to a hospital fast please" as tears ran down her cheek , she couldn't loose another person and right now all she was worried about was Mila health .


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