77. Plans

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| January 13th, Wednesday, 2021 |

 The year only truly starts after the first group meeting with the company staff. That's when they discuss what has been planned for the next few months, what they need to accomplish in the current year and the girl's wishes, like taking part in a certain show or having a specific type of content, for example.

 This meeting would usually last around two hours, but today would be different. Flashlight would start their meeting at 8 a.m. and have it set to end at 9:30 a.m., then Stray Kids would have theirs at 10 a.m., and both groups would have a meeting together after lunch to discuss their activities together.

"I wonder how much they're planning to do given we're having two meetings."

"I know, right? Did they forget you're a senior this year?"

The two youngest walked in front.

"Hey, Boram. Are you sure you're taking the college entrance exam? I mean, I think we'll do well from now on and you also have the copyrights of your songs..."

Jaein caught up to the conversation.

"Hm. I can't be an idol forever, I want to do something after this, live like a normal person, you know? Besides, I really like studying."

The girl smiled with her dimples showing.

Lastly, Annie jogged up to them, so the group was now in a line, occupying nearly the whole highway.

"That's right! Ever since I met Boram she has talked about being an International Relations major, she's amazing."

"International Relations!? I thought you were going for Music?"

Remi yelled with widened eyes, Boram only responded with a quiet laugh as they had reached the meeting room.

"Good morning!"


The room had at least one representative from each area of Division 1. The head of marketing was accompanied by someone from her team and the director of Human Resources was also talking with a coworker. There were also people from the Creative Team and two men whose positions the girls didn't recall.

Aside from the bickers of the Marketing and HR teams, it was a long and mainly smooth conversation.

 The people present decided FLASHLIGHT would put out two other mini albums this year in addition to the February single. The girls also complained about the lack of appearance on variety shows last year despite being rookies, so the marketing time was going to take care of that. Boram voiced out her thoughts about college and it caused a big commotion – also one of the reasons for the bickering mentioned before –, so it was decided she should prioritise her studies and if it got too much they'd put her on a hiatus.

"To be honest, it went better than I thought."

Remi got a plate from the JYPE Restaurant.

"Yeah, I didn't expect them to hear us out, especially Boram."

Annie followed, pouring sauce all over her salad.

"Neither did I! I was prepared to be scolded."

"Anyway, what do you guys think will be the special content with our seniors?"

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