this is a horror story

17 1 0

im scared

im scared that we wont make it

that the same thing that happened with her will happen again with you

im scared that i love you

and you dont love me in the ways i love you

im scared its weird that im obsessed with you

that my oxygen needs to contain you

that im planning the entire rest of my life with you as the center of the universe

im scared youll think thats weird

im scared none of this is even reasonable to be scared about

im scared youll read this and spot out evry single spelling and grammer mistacke ive maid

im scared you think that thing i just said to you was weird

even though you probably didnt even think about what i just said

even though you probably dont think about any of the stupid things i say

im scared theyll leave us because we are us

im scared they wont leave us too

im scared i think of you like that

im scared you dont think of me like that

im scared youll think im weird for thinking of you like that

im scared this repeating mantra is actually horrendous writing

im scared of myself

and what i was going to do before i met you

im not scared that youre the monster

im scared that im the monster

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