Voice of reason?

7 0 0

I said leave.

That means I don't want you reading this.


Then why are you still writing it?

What's your motive right now,

if you don't plan on either of them reading this?

Nobody else reads it,

that's for sure.

I'm doing it for myself.

I don't care if this gets read.

I just need to,



that I'm proud of.

Then why are you clicking that button every time?

that black,


publish button,

if you really are doing this just for yourself.


there are,

other people.

There's other people that aren't just her,

or them.

Those views aren't just at 2 every time.


that's because you read it yourself.

Because it shows you the chaos you just wrote,

after clicking that publish button,

and adds another number to the total.

You're convincing yourself,

of your own fame,

when really,

it's just you.

It's just me.

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