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i dont get it

i just

dont get it

why am i not over you yet

why do i still think about this

how many times have i said that to myself huh?

'i miss you'

i feel like a broken record at this point

its not like you were even together though

you were just friends

why do you miss her so much

because you were the friend

not just a friend

you were the person 

who listened to me

who walked with me

who actually gave a shit about anything i was saying


or at least thats what i thought

that would be the right thing to do right?

to just

move on

everyone would be happier that way

you go do amazing things in the world

and go live far away in your fairy tale castle

you'll die old with a happy life lived

end of story

the end

why does it feel so wrong then

to just

end it


why do i still cry over you

why do i still scroll through our old messages

why do i still stare at your yearbook picture

why cant i just


remembering you

why did you have to leave

all so suddenly

we were great

we didnt have much in common

but we were still great

we laughed together

we cried together

we smiled together

people fucking shipped us for gods sake


you could tell she started to dislike you

just look at what she said to you

how she was talking to you

you were clearly taking a toll on her

and you had no clue either

but the way you left me was shitty


is my last defense

for all this

everything else you can blame on me

but the way you left

was absolute pure shit

its not like i love you

not anymore

to be perfectly honest i fucking hate you right now

but i miss the memories you left of who you were

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