story time... (part seven)

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everyone was gone now

both of the important people in the little birdys life 

were just 

gone now

then one day

from the distance

flew a wren

and a blue jay

he recognized the blue jay

they were already friends


they made fun of him years ago

then apologized

but they had their own wire

with their own flock

they were also at the party

and they said hi to him

because they knew he was sad

they didnt know why he was


they still tried to cheer him up


he was appreciative of that

the wren was new

he had never seen her before

the blue jay was actually introducing her to him

because both of them happened to literally fly into each other one day by accident

and they ended up becoming great friends

so they wanted to include him on that too

so he got off his wire

and they all sat on a nearby tree

they laughed for a day

they joked for a day

they didnt seem to mind the rain

they ate pretzels and bird seed from the ground

they talked about how silly the other birds acted sometimes

they wondered how many flowers there were in the lake

then they left

and in a couple days

they both came back

to watch the sunrise

and to say hello


what happened the hail

maerdyadNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ